This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Is this........

Post 1341


Bet my Dr Strangehats login gets a kicking now as well..?

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Post 1342


the dead johnsons posts are piling up what a slaughter...see Adolf THatcher bit the dust

just lost my post aboput Man-go juice!

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Post 1343


Let's just hope the real johnston gets punched during the fracas? LOL! Imagine it, sneakylittle ian johnston pokes his head round the door of the "!" saloon and wallop, a Noddyrator busts him right in the chops by mistake!!! Well I'd laugh anyway ...

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Post 1344

Doctor Strangegloves

Nuff respect to the Mods - compare them to the other boards and they're quick on the ball.

Mind you - Friday lunchtime - they were probably expecting it.

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Post 1345


I can just see all the Tristrums getting in a flap , falling off their chairs .."send back up they've started playing silly buggers again"

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Post 1346

Doctor Strangegloves

surely "silly baggers".

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Post 1347


Is it just me or you get the feeling its just us posting today?!

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Post 1348

Doctor Strangegloves


Is this........

Post 1349

Doctor Strangegloves

It doesn't bode well for your xmas, brad...wake up at 10.00 and start on the sherry, stick a findus meal for one in the microwave about luchtime and end up crying after going limp trying to masturbate over sue lawley doing the evening news...

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Post 1350



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Post 1351


Doc...a little TOO much insight!

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Post 1352


Sorry been whacking a creationist on another board!

My "noddyrators" post got binned so I'm giving up for today and going the boozer instead! Brad, have great holiday mate and I'll see you next year! Evryone else have a great weekend!!

Later 'taters

pooter, if you're looking in, swivel you sad git!!!

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Post 1353

Doctor Strangegloves

Indeed - Pooter can swivel on his own mid-digit until he wins a breakdance competition.

Sorry about that lapse there...gotta stop this kafka thing....

Brad m'boy, have a splendid holiday and come back refreshed and ready to do battle again.

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Post 1354


Bushy seeya mate

Doc your a mad bad dangerous nutter, tis why we like you so much

OK this is the bit where I pack my cheese collection and sextant in a chequed napkin, tie a knot, and take my shore leave for 5 weeks

look after the ship

have a good one shipmates

Is this........

Post 1355

Doctor Strangegloves


Is this........

Post 1356

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

there, there Doc, he'll be back soon - maybe he'll write....

Have all the Dickies been pulled then?

smiley - fairy

pooter as PC Pet Shop Boy - I loved it - I don't think he's even pretending to be in the closet!

I note that Doug REALLY doesn't like being called Dougie! So you'd better stop that at once!

Is this........

Post 1357


I'm currrenty in the Victoria Branch of Easy Net Cafe fighting for elbow space with a JApanese Tourist if anyone wants to join me?

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Post 1358


Oi! Akihito, LEAVE IT !!!!

Is this........

Post 1359

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

ahh there you are!

I am indulging in a bit of MC-H!

I suspect that I may be sparring with Strangegloves but I can't be sure!

You should have sharpened your elbows before you left home - show 'em some of your pirate moves...

smiley - fairy

Is this........

Post 1360

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

well at least you seem to be on first name terms....

smiley - fairy

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