This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

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Post 1321

Doctor Strangegloves

Hmmm....perhaps there ought to be a survey on the BNP...

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Post 1322


why is it the more right wing posters have the highest figures next to their names?

speaking out against the right wing establishment gets you binned loads, as we know

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Post 1323


is that rubber johnston thick or what???

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Post 1324

Doctor Strangegloves

Brad you're so right...gush gush.

No, it's true, the trouble is the mods have a vested interest in keeping the board controversial so they let foaming nutcases stay on.

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Post 1325


foaming nutcases? you mean us?

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Post 1326


the mods have opulled rubber johnson BUshy

I've posted a complaint

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Post 1327


do you think it would be bad if the johnsons copied and pasted parts of old ian johnsons posts

no thats BAD forget I said it

its illegal I'm not advocatin that AT ALL

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Post 1328


good idea!! can anyone lend me their johnston? I seem to have lost mine, either that or he's so thick he's pasting a billboard rather than posting on a message board!

I think Bushwhack'd is being Pre-Modded as well!

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Post 1329


i am really sorry gang, plans all been changed, did get post up this morning but it was pulled (ian johnstone)

brad if i dont get to say it later, have a brilliant holiday with loads of peace (igh and sex of course smiley - devil. smiley - love kris

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Post 1330

Doctor Strangegloves

Full scale johnston invasion seems to be taking place!

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Post 1331

Doctor Strangegloves

Login: johntwo Password: twojohn

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Post 1332


Modded already Doc!

This is absolute bollocks, there's been no flaming or anything!!

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Post 1333

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

This is not going well - where is everyone?

smiley - fairy

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Post 1334

Doctor Strangegloves

Bushy, house rules state that you can't impersonate someone. Unless the mods are related to you or something.

IJ has been impersonating a human being for some time, can't beleive they still allow him on.

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Post 1335


Got ding'd straight away! Flippin' Noddyrators!!!

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Post 1336

Doctor Strangegloves

I think we can assume we've been rumbled.

Tactical withdrawal? Redirect the thrust somewhere else?

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Post 1337

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

My Virgin thread went too - have put up another....

smiley - fairy

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Post 1338


I wasn't impersonating anyone just fancied having an account with the name "rubber johnston", what the heck is wrong with that???


I vill be back!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

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Post 1339

Doctor Strangegloves

Just had a look at the BOLs - we apparently went off tropic.

he who fights and runs away...suggest we try another idea.

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Post 1340

Doctor Strangegloves

Observe new thread...could this work as an idea?

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