This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

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Post 1361

Doctor Strangegloves

Wasn't me you were sparring with. Don't really do MC-H. It's not that Dr. Strangehats is it?

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Post 1362

Pat Pending

Morning everyone.


I am currently composing a "rally to the cause in the absence of our beloved leader" message for here, and will be back when I've written that and checked out the 5L boards.

Chins up chaps.

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Post 1363

Doctor Strangegloves

Wa-hey Pat. After Friday's debacle we need a bit of cheering up, although I notice one or two johnstons have slipped through the net and are still posting.

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Post 1364

Ani K

good mornin' peeps

how are you all you?

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Post 1365

Doctor Strangegloves

Hiya Ani, how's it going?

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Post 1366

Ani K

good thanks 4 more days till i jet off wiv my partner & i get 2 have all to my self! =)

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Post 1367

Doctor Strangegloves

lucky you - where u going again?

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Post 1368

Ani K

some where in europe thats all i know. its a surprise.

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Post 1369

Doctor Strangegloves

Blimey, you jammy git.

Mind you - Skegness is in Europe, too.

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Post 1370

Ani K

ha ha ha no Im flying on the plane. I know the flight is for 4 1/2 hours seen pics of the complex where staying at that all.

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Post 1371

Doctor Strangegloves

Good for you - I'll be thinking of you over me Xmas sprouts, then.

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Post 1372

Ani K

id send u a post card but i'll be busy on beach just relaxing. U done all ur xmas shoppin then?

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Post 1373

V Max

Morning gang.

Well, xmas shopping was fun - not. And Everton got stuffed twice by Chelsea. And I missed all the fun on friday.

But am I bitter?

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Post 1374

Doctor Strangegloves

You're lucky - our Tiny Tyrant decided to kick off in Borders bookshop, in the middle of the xmas shopping rush. Mrs. Strangegloves was forced to breastfeed in the middle of a crowded store - pete knows how she managed it - but the end result was that borders made upwards of a hundred quid out of us and we finished our shopping record-breakingly early.

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Post 1375

Pat Pending


Still, could be worse: you could be a West Ham fan.

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Post 1376

Ani K

ive done all my xmas shoppin'!.mornin' v max. No ur not bitter

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Post 1377

Doctor Strangegloves

PS V-Max - Everton fan - i have sat in the Gwladys St end from time to time - but not since they got good again, unfortunately.

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Post 1378


Morning Everyone!

Brrr!! It's freezing today... Anyone would think it was winter or something?

Good weekend all? Chipper?

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Post 1379

V Max

I had the good sense to leave Mrs Max and the nipper behind so there was no danger of tantrums (unless you count my behaviour when I couldn't get a parking space).

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Post 1380


V Max, chin up mate you could be a Leeds fan!

2000 - Semi-Final European Champions League
2003 - Relegated?

I'll get me Nationwide, see you there Pat!

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