This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Is this........

Post 1421

Doctor Strangegloves

...which means....?

Is this........

Post 1422


Do I have to answer?

Is this........

Post 1423

Doctor Strangegloves

If you don't I'll tell IJ you're a gay man wanting to adopt.

Is this........

Post 1424


It starts "...And The Same To You ..."


Is this........

Post 1425


Typical! No Brad and already you're bubbling me to the slithering johnston eh?

Is this........

Post 1426

Doctor Strangegloves

No, mate. Just wanted to see the look on your face.

Still can't suss the rest of your message though. Best left unsaid?

Is this........

Post 1427

Doctor Strangegloves

Bigot alert! Johnstons on the starboard bow!

Is this........

Post 1428


Nah, not really, it's "And The Same To You With Brass Knobs On You Twot!" No Offence!

Quick, get 'im!!

Is this........

Post 1429

Doctor Strangegloves


Is this........

Post 1430

Pat Pending

Today's news>The German Ambassador....thread.
ij's just admitted that he watches German films where people get humped. I've made a subtle riposte: anyone else want to be more upfront.

ij: the secret pornographer?

Is this........

Post 1431

Doctor Strangegloves

German TV is full of porn. Draw your own conclusions.

Is this........

Post 1432

Pat Pending

Sorry Doc, was I being too flippant with him? I just get bored of arguing substance: it's like trying to juggle oil.

Is this........

Post 1433

Doctor Strangegloves

Ian is on really poor form today - he's not even a challenge! So anything goes really. I'm sure he'll wait a few hours now and post some twaddle, hoping I won't notice it in the morning.

Is this........

Post 1434


I agree Doc! No challenge ...

Much better "creationist" bashing!!

Is this........

Post 1435

Doctor Strangegloves

You're doing a terrific job, Bushy. Keep it up!

Is this........

Post 1436



Is this........

Post 1437

Doctor Strangegloves

Is this a stock reply?

Mr. Whack'd, I was referring to your demolition of above-mentioned creationist.

On a lighter note, Doug has flipped his lid. See Turnip prize thing for more details.

Is this........

Post 1438


Yes, I've just seen it and responded appropriately!!

Not sure if "j l" is an actual creationist but he's deffo a sympathiser! Just talks a load of cobblers though most of the time and never seems to arrive at a conclusion???

Is this........

Post 1439

Doctor Strangegloves

Martin Baines has just advocated racial purity laws on TN.

Is this........

Post 1440


I'm on me way ...

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