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Post 2381


I see they've just put them back!


Post 2382

V Max


Very eloquent. I just want to add, Brad, don't let the bastards grind you down.


Post 2383

V Max

I see the mods pulled stuart stuart's bigoted homophobic rant.


Post 2384


no its hardly that, I think I deserve it bating the tossers as I have done, but it does show they can get personal, so watch your step

I've also got an in tray that hasn't seen daylight since last year


Post 2385

Dr. Strangegloves

OK Brad - fair enough. W**k impinges on all our lives to some extent - just don't dissappear entirely, OK?


Post 2386


of course!


Post 2387


Moooornin' all smiley - biggrin

As you may have noticed, I have decided to "tow the party line" on AF and trawl the papers for stories that we can turn into jokey items.

I'm guess I'm too old to fight against the firestorm tactics of the mods anymore.....

Anyway it gives me a chance to hone my comedic "skills" smiley - tongueout for use in a future life as a script writer for Matthew Kelly or Michael Barrymore or someother young comedian looking for a young person to take under their wing and nurture (or something) smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers



Post 2388

V Max

Morning Peter.

Great idea, I'm on it!


Post 2389

Dr. Strangegloves

Yawn....Tony Martin...Saddam...asylum seekers....

It gets a bit repetitive on FLN doesn't it?


Post 2390


Mornin' All! Been watching cricket this morning, looks like England are about to win by the way, chipper?

Rain! smiley - sadface


Post 2391


Oh dear, we are a sorry bunch this morning aren't we? I guess the answer to chipper is "no, not really!" then is it?

Tell BW all about it and I'll try and make things better for you mes enfants!


Post 2392

V Max

Just back from dropping my car off for MOT, had a look at the boards and Doc's right, same old faces, same old stories.


Post 2393


Doc/V Max,

Yep same faces, same old neo-fascist clap-trap! (In fact let's get this totally right and say same other faces, same old Marxist/Socialist/Liberal clap-trap as well, as I suppose our waffling is viewed as just as boring to them?)

Isn't that why we tease the living daylights out of them though? Who hasn't had at least a few jolly good laughs at some bone-head's expense? I know I have!! So what? Sue me ... Come on chaps! Chin up ...


Post 2394


hi everyonesmiley - cuddle

bushy - i think that the lads are a bit concerned about mcsquall so i am toddling over to see what she is squealing this time.

please all of you bear in mind that ruth pushes her agenda by using her personal condition, constant reference to her house, husband , kids, condition, age, religion, nationality etc. because of her battle with cancer she creates a positon whereby one is afraid of offending her in any way because she has had cancer. she knows the deal with the boards (you shouldnt use them if you cant take the heat) and is frequently muscling others.

off to see what you norty norty norty norty norty little boys have been doing smiley - biggrin rofl

smiley - love kris


Post 2395

V Max


Check out "Education" on "af...", lots of sly johnston bashing (Oooer missus).


Post 2396


Why, what's McSqueal come up with this time?

I couldn't agree with more with kris! The final straw was when she said I was racist after I commented that she always used a commercial argument. I was suggesting that it is unacceptable to equate money with human suffering no matter how many billions were involved and she did exactly what kris just outlined namely accused me of racism against Jews!! The notion of Jews being "tight" or "greedy" is a Christian myth developed in the Dark Ages because they have a strong community spirit and help each other financially!! A most laudable quality I believe!! I happen to think, for the record, that the Jewish community can teach many lessons to everyone, certainly in this country, about caring for others in the community and can think of no better model than theirs!! If her debating technique is simply to start "squealing" about personal issues then what does she expect? If anyone wants a vision of Political Correctness gone mad then take a look at McSqueal!!


Post 2397

Dr. Strangegloves

I wish she'd just bloody hurry up and leave.


Post 2398

V Max

The most protracted "Goodbye" in the history of mankind. Its like watching a slow, lingering death.


Post 2399


arrrrgggh !!! smiley - runsmiley - run ...smiley - groansmiley - bigeyessmiley - grr...smiley - run


that is the first time i have read anything by mcsQ for months and i never want to do it again. she is just as awful as ever, my god. oh god, that was an awful experience.

i need a hug...i need a hug.... somebody give me a hug.....smiley - ill

time to roll a biff smiley - boing

soon be back to normal, o my heavens....

ps you are so right there v-max, smiley - winkeye


Post 2400

V Max


smiley - hug There you go my friend.

Did you enjoy the "Education" thread? I think we were all p*ssing ourselves doing that one.

smiley - smiley

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