A Conversation for Silver Sword; an Interactive Fantasy RPG

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 61

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

[Kylen] "I think they want to have reinforcements."

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 62


[Sharp]: *Nods to Kylen with a manic gleam in his eye to match the glow of his armlet's smiley - weird jet stone as he pulls out his scythe-rod.* ^_^ "I think that this is a little too smart for normal wolves..."
: Yeah I threw the chunk of stale bread. Thought it might have been a greebley smiley - doh. <-smiley - rofl

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 63


: 'It' threw the bread back and that hit my character in the head. <- [In imitation of The 3 Stooges]: "Nyuk,nyuk, nyuk..."
[Sharp]: "Whatever it is is going to be in for a nasty surprise when it finds us,-right guys?" *On second thought opt for casting 'dingsmiley - bats' (: DM, you remember when I had S. spellcrafting it right? Just in case... 'dingsmiley - bats' = smiley - bats + rock, it's kinda a lot like Gandarks comet, but with one noticeable difference... ;A "medium range attack" involving dropping sculptured paper-weight like objects onto either one or a number of opponents at once).

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 64

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-


If it is, then... *changes spell to fire, and shoots it simultaneously at one wolf, which drops and rolls around, putting out the fire* Buggerrrrr... *the Tobias-es keels over, and seem to fade a little. Basically, they're separated, and so the magic was a bit too much. Their energy gone, the constituent parts of Tobias lie in different places on the ground, semi-transparent, with a sort of "white-noise" effect like you get when your TV isn't tuned properly. Also, the colour has gone all wonkey. A sort of reddish clock-like spirally mist appears in the centre of the Tobiases, and another Tobias begins to appear in the centre of the mist, fading in as the other Tobiases fade out. Eventually, the only Tobias is the one in the mist, who is perfectly solid. The mist dissipates, but Tobias lies still, bathed in a bizarre reddy-bluey-greeny-purple glow*

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 65

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

K so ... as I understand it you just killed 1 wolf. That's fine, but next time *attempt* to cast or kill monsters, and I send back whether you succeeded or failed.

[Gandark] smiley - bigeyes Something like six more wolves must have joined. With the first one that makes eleven minus one you killed, and I think that first one that howled is a were-wolf. Whatever you do, keep away from that one. Wolves don't have any long distance attacks, they're only melee. So we should still be at an advantage even though we're now outnumbered.

smiley - fullmoonA lone wolf leaps out of the shadows and pounces on top of Sharp!

sorry, Sharp, your the one that got randomly picked. You aren't dead or even injured very much, but there's a really mean looking wolf on top of you!
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 66


: smiley - rofl...
[Sharp]: "Get-it-offa me!" smiley - grr *Yells an incantation that sounds like howling gibberish in his anger* "EhRrRaaaaah!" *Casts a shield and then will use the resulting confusion to tuck and roll*
(thinks) : I only have a few seconds to catch this smiley - monster off balance or I'm toast.
*Casts ice at the wolf*
"Here's hoping that will freeze it in place..."
*smiley - flustered, Sharp claps his hands to dust himself off (i.e. hopefully that settles that)*
"I'm so glad I went and bought some armor. smiley - ok, who or what's next?!"

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 67

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-

*still unconcious*


*A future version of Tobias appears*

I'm here to help. *looks at past self* That is going to give me one HELL of a headache. *charges a fire spell with much more ease than the present-day Tobias, suggesting more aptitude with magic*


Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 68


[Sharp]: "Alright, I'll take your word for it." : Oh boy... 'transformation' time!
*Sharp's hair and eye colors invert/swap again... so that once more his eyes are yellow and his hair has become green.* (In a different voice from 'normal mode') : "...Is that lead one... carrying a knife?"
*Notices a glint from the doused flame embers that could most likely be given from a curving blade* "..." *charges more magic to ready for a dingsmiley - bat wave*

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 69


[Sharp]: "Anole,-Do you have that grappler on you?!" he says, *remembering the chain spell from before...*
: KUNAI WITH CHAINS! <-- smiley - laugh

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 70

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

,ooc. Oooookay,/ooc>
[Kylen] whips shadow daggers at random wolves,especailly the one that attakced sharp, and the ones surrounding tobias's body

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 71


[Sharp]: "Wa-hey!" *Casts chains* }Shflshflshufl!{ *There is a whisking noise as the chains snake out emanating from his wrists*
}Whap! Wa-cha!{ }Ka-ping!{ }Rattle!{ *Whips the chains around grabbing small rocks with the free ends and then flings them all at two wolves nearby* "Hmm...It's different, but it'll work."

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 72


[Sharp]: "'Ey, Kylen... Remember what you said about the 'super' gunpowder from before?" *He says as he continually pushes back a wolf that tries to lunge at him, using the scythe-rod.* "You wouldn't happen to have any of those bombs with you as of...the moment?"

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 73

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

[Kylen] "Depends, what is the left over land for the explosion going to be used for?"

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 74

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - laugh Hey, wait a second ... time travel!? II'd kinda said Time Mages could speed up and slow down time, but actually make it run backwards ... that could cause some serious plot confusion. I want some things to happen that stay happened, if you know what I mean.


So-and-so dies. This is part of the plot.

Some player decides to go back in time to save him.

Now that would be fine - for him.

But how do you reconcile that with everybody else's view of the plot? This kind of thing could happen easily in one of my stories, but an actual live player doing this in a somewhat linear though branching storyline ... that could kinda of make a mess.

So, next time please *attempt* time travel and wait to see whether you succeeded or not. Sometimes I'll let that go but sometimes you just can't have help from the future because in the future you might be dead or something.

In fact, that might be an interesting subplot with that future-self you've summoned ... at some point he could suddenly disappear, telling you that you're going to die in the future before you can come back, and then later he re-appears, showing that you've changed that.

Interesteing possibilities, no?

smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 75

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-


Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 76


: smiley - doh Kind of like "Yami-Yugi"... Sheesh.
[Sharp]: "If there's a full-fledged werewolf then Kylen,... and it looks like it knows how to fight using a blade... I think we may have more on our hands than a simple band of smiley - monsters on the attack, no?"
: smiley - musicalnote And there's what's wrong today is right today!- what's black today is what's white today!- Any-thing goes! There's no 'biz like show biz! ['Cuz it's] where/when anything goes! smiley - musicalnotesmiley - rofl
[Sharp]: *Casts dingsmiley - bats*

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 77


[Sharp]: "Hopefully, not for having to bury the lot of us...at least not for some time!" *smiley - laughs weakly at this and then goes }Gulp!{* smiley - yikes

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 78

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Dude, Gandark's a Purple Magic specialist too. Time travel is, was, will, and must be an extremely difficult and rarely achieved feat for even the most experienced and talented Time Mages. It doesn't happen all the time.

I know I've got to be doing something wrong with these game instructions. Either nobody reads them, or I've written them so badly nobody understands them or else I've somehow given the impression that this game's wizards are like, gods or something.

Haveing carefully placed limits on magic in general is VITAL to any and every RPG - or any work of fiction for that matter.

A true hero must undertake great difficulties and challenges. How can you have great difficulties and challenges if everything's easy and wizards can just change whatever they like, going all the way back to the beginnings of history and ruling the world through all the ages at a whim!

I don't know but I think I've used this phrase before: GAME BALANCE. This game has and must have game balance.

smiley - fullmoon One wolf frozen to the ground by it's back paws, claws the earth with it's front paws trying to get free. It's frantic panic makes it look more like a trapped puppy than the bloodthirsty beast it truly is. It's coat is still stained with the blood of previous kills - and not nessicarily animal ones either - it's teeth rotten, yet still horrifyingly sharp.
Nice description, eh?
smiley - towelNerd42

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 79


: Yep. Bet the gruesome bit is if the other smiley - monsters decide to turn on it... smiley - yuk
[Sharp]: The armlet's jet-stone lights up all at once and *Sharp is back to normal* "Good Lord but that takes a lot of energy to maintain..." *drinks a canteen full of smiley - coffee.* *Is wired* "Okay,-so now what?"

Silver Sword Quest - The Death and Return of Chivalry

Post 80


[Sharp]: "hey Gandark, I feel kinda sorry for that one..." *Indicates the frozen wolf* "Think it would be better to put the thing out of its misery or what?" *About to cast rock...*

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