A Conversation for CHOPPERS Lab - Danger Mad Scientist at Work

What we need is one of them thingy's

Post 121

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

So you're going to leave me alone in the dark then ?

Did I ever tell you ......

What we need is one of them thingy's

Post 122


*unknown, hairy hand positions itself on RD's shoulder. Noise of smiley - drool*

What we need is one of them thingy's

Post 123


*really starting to get nervous*

What's that smiley - drool noise?

What we need is one of them thingy's

Post 124


It's probably me. I normally have tea about 4 hours ago.
*Large, unknown hairy hand rests itself on Vb's shoulder* Noise of more smiley - drool
Is that you Scandrea?

What we need is one of them thingy's

Post 125


smiley - erm No...

*starts running so no large hairy hands will rest on her shoulder
Promptly runs into wall.*


What we need is one of them thingy's

Post 126


What about if someone opened the curtai...mmmpf!
*Hairy hand moves from shoulder to mouth*

What we need is a flashlight

Post 127


*still in pain on the ground*

What was that? Can't hear you. I'm going to try to find a window, or door, or something.

*tries to stand up*

Where's all this smiley - drool coming from?

What we need is a flashlight

Post 128


Mmmmmnpf mmmmfnp mmmmfpfp!
*scratches vest again to release odour of spring flowers, meadows and little dicky birds singing their socks off,*

What we need is a flashlight

Post 129

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

SHUSH! *hopes that puts an end to the nasty sound of smiley - drool *

Um, is it just me or has the reset-universe countdown stopped?

*definitely doesn't want the universe to reset in case he ends us being a mobile phone salesman or having some other hell-spawned job*

What we need is a flashlight

Post 130


I don't hear it anymore. Come to think of it, I don't hear Vestboy or Red Dog anymore either...
Have you found a window, or a door, or something?

What we need is a flashlight

Post 131

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Yar takes out a remote control and punches in a few buttons.]

[Computer] Nine hundred and twelve eleven ten nine eight seven six six-and-a-half six-and-three-quarters six-and ... no wait. Oh, whatever!

[There's a huge burst of light, illuminating the whole room. The view gets sucked into the light, like a paper being pulled through a hole in by its middle. Nothing happens for a second. And then there's a KER-SPLOINK! noise and the view gets replaced by a starfield. Which then contracts, revealing the lab before the bio field got put up, except that Yar and the Ape are still gone and the Divine Will of the Macrocosm from Excel Saga (it looks like a ball of space with arms) is there instead. It produces from nowhere a seesaw and a plush bird. It puts the bird on the lower end, then pounds the upper end, thus flipping the bird at all present. It, the seesaw, and the bird all vanish.]

What we need is a flashlight

Post 132

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*wimpers a bit in a dark corner*

What we need is a flashlight

Post 133


*can't really do much except stand there and stare with her mouth open*
Just out of curiousity, is this what passes for normal around here?

What we need is a flashlight

Post 134


*wipes plush bird on vest*
That was a neat trick. Are we still in the same universe or have I got to collect a whole new set of stains?

What we need is a flashlight

Post 135

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Yar] [entering] Same universe. Different ... well, nothing really, except that the Divine Will of the Macrocosm brought everything back. Anyway ...

[Yar pulls a lever. The floor opens up, depositing everyone in A904303]

What we need is a flashlight

Post 136


*before the floor closes again, a small voice can be heard, muffled from under a pile of three other superheroes.*


What we need is a flashlight

Post 137


That was fun. Please, whoever controls the links thingy could you make mine point at U45662 as I've now been able to get it back.
*Steps off Scandrea*
I thougth I was taller for a minute there.

What we need is a flashlight

Post 138

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Yar] Hmm ... Well, ever since the Clintstar Expanse "incident", I've had this key from the Keymaker, and I'm working on making keys of my own. Somehow I don't think he'd appreciate that, though ...

What we need is a flashlight

Post 139

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

errrr that'd be me ...... and it's done Vestboy smiley - ok

What we need is a flashlight

Post 140


*peel self off ground, and staggers off to look for an asprin, muttering something about having to find a flea collar for Tracer.*

Tracer is the wolf that follows me around. He's not really a pet, but more like a pack-mate. That said, Happy Easter, everyone!

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