A Conversation for C.P.U - Crazy People United

lemme in

Post 1

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

1. Do your teddies talk to you at night?
no but my curtains do they plan to rule the bedrooms of the world!
2. Whenever you go into a field of sheep, do you feel the need to hug them, squeeze them, and call them George?
No they welcome me home
3. Is your blankey out to get you?
4. Do you believe that Bill Gates is an alien from outer space and has brainwashed everyone into believing his products are actually good?OF COURSE I... M.I.C.R.O.S.O.F.T. G.O.O.D. B.I.L.L. G.A.T.E.S. G.O.O.D.
5. Have you ever seen a giant floating banana?
6. Do you enjoy playing with firearms? And if you’ve never used one, do you enjoy playing with imaginary firearms?CHEESE BULLETS GOOD
7. Do you believe squirrels will overthrow power and rule the world?
the lettuce already has THERE EVERYWHERE
8. Have you ever thought pea soup was something you did in the bathroom?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (runs around the room screaming)
9. Have you ever put your underwear over your pants?
no but it makes an good hat
10. Do you believe you’re Sane. Without a doubt.

lemme in

Post 2

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

Well you're certainly insane but you're going to have to promise to keep the caps to a minimum.

lemme in

Post 3

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

im iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnneeeeeeee

lemme in

Post 4

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.


lemme in

Post 5

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!


lemme in

Post 6

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

You're not a friend of miraculous randomness by any chance?

lemme in

Post 7

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

what makes you think that

lemme in

Post 8

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

You love cheese.

lemme in

Post 9

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!


lemme in

Post 10

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

You didn't answer my question.

lemme in

Post 11

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!


lemme in

Post 12

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

Then answer it, please.

lemme in

Post 13

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

no i dont know him

lemme in

Post 14

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

i like cheese, too.

but i've never heard of miraculous randomness, either.

does that make me insane? or can i not be insane because i don't like banananananas?

by the way, i've avoided any caps at all to keep ducky happy.

lemme in

Post 15

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

Lol, caps when they are supposed to be used are fine (like at the beginning of sentences etc.)

Take the test to find out if you're insane.

Ah, you may love cheese, but you don't have a personal messages that say 'I love cheese!!' over and over again.

lemme in

Post 16

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

thats right (stops typing and runs around naked shouting i like cheese over and over again)

lemme in

Post 17

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

1. Do your teddies talk to you at night?No. thats when they sharpen their bananananananananananananananananananananananananas
2. Whenever you go into a field of sheep, do you feel the need to hug them, squeeze them, and call them George? George?Their called Frederick in the tables near me
3. Is your blankey out to get you?How many times it`s a toenail!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Do you believe that Bill Gates is an alien from outer space and has brainwashed everyone into believing his products are actually good?Wibble
5. Have you ever seen a giant floating banana?AAnd how do you Know about Neil?
6. Do you enjoy playing with firearms? And if you’ve never used one, do you enjoy playing with imaginary firearms?No matches are bad
7. Do you believe squirrels will overthrow power and rule the world?Wibble
8. Have you ever thought pea soup was something you did in the bathroom?It isn`t
9. Have you ever put your underwear over your pants?Evil!!!!!!
10. Do you believe you’re sane?Crackers

lemme in

Post 18

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - sadface

No fair, you changed your answers!

lemme in

Post 19

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

So crazy i posted to join twicesmiley - laugh

lemme in

Post 20

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - biggrin

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