A Conversation for C.P.U - Crazy People United

Halls of Residence

Post 101

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

Oh dear, they're a bit soggy now smiley - laugh

Halls of Residence

Post 102

Winter - Formerly Plastic Rock Chick

Oops smiley - blush. *takes chips and blow dries them with a hair dryer* Now their dry!
smiley - biggrin

Halls of Residence

Post 103

JohnnyK - I am the 2%

and warmed up too smiley - laugh...

Halls of Residence

Post 104

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

S*d the microwave, just use a hair drier smiley - laugh

Halls of Residence

Post 105

Winter - Formerly Plastic Rock Chick

*hands out chips*
So, this will seem random (randomness makes the world go round) but what are all off your current music likes/dislikes?


Halls of Residence

Post 106

Ducky - Chief CPU CEO: The Right Hon. Ms Ducky, QC, PDQ, PMT, ADHD et al.

*chews a chip and swallows* mmm, nice

I'm currently like The Fratellis, Fall Out Boy and Lostprophets... don't look at me like that! They're not entirely random bands....

Don't know who I'm not liking particularly.

Halls of Residence

Post 107

Winter - Formerly Plastic Rock Chick

I have about fifty anyway.Hehe.

Halls of Residence

Post 108

JohnnyK - I am the 2%

*munches a chip*

Hmm..currently on my 'puter Peaches, The Bonzo Dog Band and The Ruttles...

Halls of Residence

Post 109

Winter - Formerly Plastic Rock Chick

Cool, And I'm hyper because of the new haircut I'm getting... its in my bloggy....

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