The Post 1P 13.02.03 - 17.04.03
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The Valentine Day Edition
CAC starts us off with Disembodied Symbolic Heart Day, jwf~ kisses and tells in To Whom It May Concern, a tale of Shattered Love by Wilson Brown-Bear, slapstick in h2g2: Tales of a Newbie and there's an update from The Douglas Adams Funding Trust.
More movie reviews in 24 Lies A Second, Abi and Mina share some good news in News from the Towers, Eustace is Reluctant, thoughts about the ICC Cricket World Cup, Escape Pod Dreams and discover the Legend of Cupid.
Enjoy h2g2 Storytime II: Part IX, Philosophical Phrases 3, Dr. Funderlik's Regular Grunt, Swiv's Idea of a University, The h2g2 Poem and Vogon Poetry Corner.
A new cartoon series to brighten up your day, Underneath the Surface, Love is in the air in the WWC, The Tom Green Chronicles are still Revisited, The Lovers Link to h2g2, The Post Word Play, The h2g2 Virtual President 2003, An Expedition to the Wilds of the Rugby World VII, a Valentine Wordsearch to perplex you and finally, read the exciting conclusion of Future Prefect.20.02.03
There's more from CAC, another wonderful To Whom It May Concern, Philosophical Phrases Part 4, h2g2: Tales of a Newbie, and we are proud to announce The Third Annual H2G2 Academy Awards.
Awix plays devil's advocate in 24 Lies A Second, An Expedition to the Wilds of the Rugby World VIII, Eustace is Filthy this week, Winter's Lament by Hypatia is the h2g2 Poem, Sporting With Egon and read a Letter to a Publisher.
Another Escape Pod Dreams, At Home With Popcorn Swiv, h2g2 Storytime II: Part X, 2 articles about the peace march last week, Marching for Peace is like... and March, Dr. Funderlik's Regular Grunt and a new part work serial begins The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute.
More vogon poetry, Underneath the Surface, the Quest is finally put to rest, The Tom Green Chronicles Revisited, The Great h2g2 Experiment, The Post Word Play, The ICC Cricket World Cup 2003 and of course not forgetting the Wordsearch and the WWC.27.02.03
Hitch Hiker Special Part I
Special BBC7/Radio Play Anniversary Preview Supplement
'Douglas' Vision' by Richard Creasey
'Editing the Guide' by Ashley
'How 'Hitchhiker' Changed My Life' by Abi
The Hitchhiker Wordsearch Special
There's an Fiction Bonanza Extravaganza! from CAC, another To Whom It May Concern, an update from Changing the World By Degrees, more newbie adventures in h2g2: Tales of a Newbie and more from Philosophical Phrases.
24 Lies A Second entertains, Quizzical gives us a h2g2 Haiku, part 2 of The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute, An Expedition to the Wilds of the Rugby World IX reaches Hanoi, Eustace is feeling pretty this week and more from Swiv's Idea of University.
Another Escape Pod Dreams, 'Soul Mates' by Hypatia is the h2g2 Poem, h2g2 Storytime II reaches Part XI, the School Run is discussed in Doghouse Tails, Dr. Funderlik's Regular Grunt takes care of The History of Clowns and don't forget the 4th Sydney Meet Report.
Aother episode of Next To the Custard, not one but two poems in the Vogon Poetry Corner, Underneath the Surface, The ICC Cricket World Cup 2003, The Tom Green Chronicles Revisited and Pyscho Chicken Crosses the Road complete's thies weeks mammoth edition.06.03.03
Hitch Hiker Special Part II
This week we have CAC, To Whom It May Concern, h2g2: Tales of a Newbie, 24 Lies A Second and Eustace.
Abi looks at The First DNA Memorial Lecture, Awix reviews the Hitchhiker TV Series in Faster Than Light Entertainment, Shazz reviews the BBC7 radio broadcast in Three Hours of Delight and find some ingenious uses for the h2g2 smiley in Abuse of Smileys - an Update.
Meet the Thingites and P.U.D.D.I.N.G., read more Philosophical Phrases, Ormondroyd reviews Disaster Area, h2g2 Storytime II: Part XII, Review of The Radio Series and Dr. Funderlik's Regular Grunt is DNA TV Mnemonics.
We introduce an exciting new series from Oberon2001 called The Edge, more from Doghouse Tails, read the BBC7 Competition Winner in the Vogon Poetry Corner, Don't Panic in Underneath the Surface and read about the books in Hitchhikers' Guide To The Galaxy.
The ICC Cricket World Cup 2003, Pyscho Chicken Crosses the Road, The Post Word Play, Practical applications of the use of Towels, At Home with Popcorn Swiv reviews the DVD and Spook introduces A Guide To Using Your Guide.
Read also the h2g2 Poem, a Philosophical Phrases Special, Sporting With Egon, 42 Questions on Life, the Universe and Everything, The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute, The 'Douglas', Next to the Custard and last but not least Escape Pod Dreams.13.03.03
This we have CAC entertaining us with more er... CAC, To Whom It May Concern, The ICC Cricket World Cup - Week Five and Six, Eustace turns Nocturnal, 24 Lies A Second and The h2g2 Poem.
Another episode in The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute, Munchkin reports on The First DNA Memorial Lecture, read a few Philosophical Phrases, Doghouse Tails is Weight Watching, h2g2 Storytime II: Part XIII, Pyscho Chicken Crosses the Road and Dr. Funderlik's Regular Grunt focuses on Crime.
Read O Moistly Burbling Gloobleslug by Utter Bewilderment in the Vogon Poetry Corner, read also The Edge, Swiv's Idea of University in writing, make words in The Post Word Play, An Expedition to the Wilds of the Rugby World X and have Philosophical Thoughts in Underneath the Surface.
More from Tom Green Chronicles Mark II, the WWC, Escape Pod Dreams and Rest in Peace with Next to the Custard.27.03.03
This week we have CAC, To Whom It May Concern, Doghouse Tails, Eustace, The h2g2 Poem, 24 Lies A Second, The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute and Philosophical Phrases.
Read about The School Essay Challenge, The h2g2 Winter Party 2003 Caption Competition Results!, Pennying at Caius, Pyscho Chicken Crosses the Road and The ICC Cricket World Cup.
This week we introduce a few new regulars, A Baby Doctor Writes..., Directly From the Mother Ship and The Hootoo Home of Today.
Enjoy with us h2g2 Storytime II: Part XIV, Dr. Funderlik's Regular Grunt, The Edge, Vogon Poetry Corner, Underneath the Surface, Tom Green Chronicles Mark II, WWC, Focus On..., Escape Pod Dreams and Next to The Custard.03.04.03
This week we bring you the welcome return of h2g2 Life, US and THEM and US with CAC, a newcomer Running with Scissors, film reviews in 24 Lies A Second and news about The h2g2 Academy Awards 2003.
Laugh with Eustace, more from A Baby Doctor Writes..., Escape Pod Dreams, Doghouse Tails, The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute, The h2g2 Poem and Underneath the Surface.
Learn about The Birmingham Meet, Philosophical Phrases, Mopre from Awix in Idiot Box 2, Dr. Funderlik's Regular Grunt, Directly From the Mother Ship, The Edge, Vogon Poetry Corner and Sporting with Egon.
Get advice from The Hootoo Home of Today, h2g2 Storytime II: Part XV, Tom Green Chronicles Mark II, Psycho Chicken Crosses the Road, WWC and not forgetting The Post Word Play.
Read The School Essay Challenge, Next to The Custard and meet Darth Zaphod in In Other Words.10.04.03
Take a look at CAC, h2g2 Life, Running with Scissors, 24 Lies A Second, Eustace, A Baby Doctor Writes... and Doghouse Tails.
We also have the welcome return of 45 Words this week, a Meet review in ScREaM - The Log, The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute, The h2g2 Poem, Underneath the Surface, Swiv's Idea of University and Underneath the Surface.
More from Vogon Poetry Corner, Directly From the Mother Ship, The Edge, At Home With Popcorn Swiv, Dr. Funderlik's Regular Grunt and Greebo brings us Through the Doughnut Hole.
Another visit to the word of Darth Zaphod in In Other Words, h2g2 Storytime II: Part XVI, WWC this week is by Jodan, another newcomer is the Word of the Week, read about Flogging Molly, The Hootoo Home of Today and finally Escape Pod Dreams.17.04.03
Easter Edition
This week we have for you CAC, h2g2 Life, Running with Scissors, 24 Lies A Second, Eustace, Through the Doughnut Hole and 45 Words.
Read the Easter Egg Haiku, Easter without a Hat by Hypatia in The h2g2 Poem, The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute, Doghouse Tails, Vogon Poetry Corner and Dr. Funderlik's Regular Grunt.
Find some Holey-Cheese in Underneath the Surface, Directly From the Mother Ship, The Edge, In Other Words, Escape Pod Dreams and The Hootoo Home of Today.
Read Part Two of The School Essay Challenge, Part XVII of h2g2 Storytime II, find out another Word of the Week, WWC, The Post Word Play and Revelations Profound in Next to the Custard.