A Conversation for Terranic Government Research And Development

Basement Lab

Post 101


*runs up the stairs, closely behind the troops*

Basement Lab

Post 102


Hmm, we've got company. You don't say! And yes, you are bleeding on me, but this coat's ruined anyway.

* he dives into the first room he sees and shuts the door quickly before any of their pursuers get the chance to see which door it was *

Basement Lab

Post 103


.comms in for medic to tend mouryan's wounds.
*puts out fires*

Basement Lab

Post 104

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

[Mourryan] Chronus, go get some C4 and blow that door in, get them, I'll be fine

Basement Lab

Post 105


[Soldier] I'm in demolitions, sir! I can get it open. Give me a few seconds (posts) to set up, and we'll be in ship shape!

Basement Lab

Post 106


Mourryan's not upstairs, so how would he know about the door? And how do they know which one it is?

* MaW puts Jade down on the floor and examines her wounds *

Looks like you'll live. Any ideas how we get out of here without getting killed or captured?

Basement Lab

Post 107

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

oops, smiley - sorry I'll rephrase that post

[Mourryan] They ran away, go after them, every locked door, blow it, every open one, go in and shoot anyone that isn't on our side

Basement Lab

Post 108


That's a much better plan. Not so good for me though...

Basement Lab

Post 109


*The soldier secures a small blinking package to the door, attaches wiring to it, and backs off down the hallway.*

Ready, sir!

Basement Lab

Post 110


Well blow it up already!

Basement Lab

Post 111

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

Yes! Please do! And some medics would be nice, if its not too much trouble

Basement Lab

Post 112


* MaW hears the activity on the other side of the door *

Oh dear...

* he quickly moves some conveniently-placed chairs and tables up to the door, piling them haphazardly to make a kind of barrier *

I hope these aren't too flammable...

* he raises a hand and shoots a stream of fire at the metal table frames, heating them until they start to make cracking sounds and glow a little. He blows on his hand *

Ow! That hurt!

* his hand has some rather nasty burns on it now. MaW takes out the bottle of water that was supposed to be part of his lunch and pours it over his hand *

Basement Lab

Post 113

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

Blow the door already!

Basement Lab

Post 114


*The soldier hits the button. And frowns, as nothing happens. The medic decides to help Mor.*

[Demo Soldier] Something's got the wiring's resistance up... lots of heat... Huh. I'll go re-set it.

*The soldier steps up to the door, and feels the heat, too late. With a sound that is more felt than heard, the door blows backwards, tearing the soldier into shreds.*

Basement Lab

Post 115

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

[Mourryan] well that sucks

Basement Lab

Post 116

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Jade: This isn't fun... *winces a bit as she pokes at the wound on her shoulder* I should have thought a bit more about things when I decided to be an elf, you know? We're pretty and lithe and such but we're not too durable... As for getting out of here, I think asking Dædalus might be a good idea. We need to find a new base of opps...

Basement Lab

Post 117


Yes, unfortunately they just blew the door open and we don't have much time.

* he looks around *

There's an emergency exit over here, look.

* he picks Jade up again and carries her over to it, kicking the door open as he approaches. Alarms go off *

Lovely. I hate going down narrow emergency corridors with alarms wailing at me.

* he heads down the emergency corridor, following the arrows to the exit *

Basement Lab

Post 118


Would you mind not running. Running after people is just no fun.

*runs after MaW and Jade*

Basement Lab

Post 119

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

[Mourryan] Troops! Follow B9r515! He and/or she will lead you to the enemy, whom you should shoot!

Basement Lab

Post 120


He. Where does this door lead?

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