A Conversation for Beach House

The second dojo

Post 61

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

*getting a headache from interception of too much telepathy...

takes catlike ready position to leap aside if things get rough*

The second dojo

Post 62

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

*Proving its all about weapon speed, Hjik retracts his weapon and spins it dangerously close to his body, catching Jade's right daggar inches from his flesh. Worried about another close quarter counter attack, he leaps to the side and slashes at Jade from across in body to take advantage of his reach advantage*

ooc ooc

The second dojo

Post 63

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*catches his blade between her two dagger blades, she stops him mid-swing and flicks her wrists forward in an attempt to disarm him*

So long as it en't bleeding smiley - winkeye

The second dojo

Post 64

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

telepathy to Jade telepathy to Jade

*Hjik lets the sword come out of his hand to give Jade one moment of distraction*

Too late.

*Hjik throws a hard sidekick at Jade's midsection, fully aware that she was surprised by the disarming and so not ready for the kick*


The second dojo

Post 65

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

At that proximity...? Hell /yes/ it should. You jerk...! smiley - laugh

*Jade reels back (from the kick, of course), coughs, faulters slightly, lands oddly on her bad ankle (her left,) and falls to the floor wincing. (She dropped one of her daggers in the fall.) She pulls herself upright, clutching her remaining dagger by the blade in her right hand, and clutching her midriff with her right. She rushes at Hjik and hurls the dagger at his left thigh.*

Wow, i would have taken you for one of those guys who thought battle scars were sexy. I guess you /are/ as shallow as I thought you were...

That was sarcasm, by the way. So yes, according to the rules I wrote myself, your sword has to remain out of play for the next three posts, as does my right hand dagger. Okay? Okay.

The second dojo

Post 66

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

ooc ooc

*Hjik tries to follow his training by dodging and moving as little as possible, but he should have just leapt the hell out of the way. The blade does an awkward and unexpected mid air spin (probably as Jade intended) closing the narrow avoiding distance and does more than glance the side of his thigh. The momentary change in the slow rythm of his breathing shows his pain. While slowly postioning himself back into a back stance, he carresses his wound to feel the extent of the damage. He feels that it is just a flesh wound, no lacerated arteries, but the downward curving cut makes him sure of one thing, its really gonna bleed.*

telepathic message to Jade:

*Hjik unexpectedly relaxes out of his fighting stance and casually walks over to pick up the daggar that cut him, with his blood still on it. He walks over to HDS and presents him the daggar*

If I win, this is yours, if I perish, present this do Jade in memory. In either case remember, the blood stays on the blade.

*Hjik walks back over to where he was and slowly reactivates the tension in his muscles and resumes his back stance, he passes his bloody right hand down the right side of his face, bloodstaining the area under his ear to his right jawbone*

Jade, blood is thicker than water. If you want any more than you've already taken, you have to come and get it. No matter what happens, I will taste your blood before this is over.


The second dojo

Post 67

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

ooc ooc

The second dojo

Post 68

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Wow. That's quite a tribute... I'll drink to that! smiley - cheers *any excuse for an smiley - ale at this juncture*

The second dojo

Post 69


A toast, then to HDS smiley - cheers

The second dojo

Post 70

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*raises an eyebrow, brushes an errant lock or hair out of her face*

...So we're planning on killing then...? I thought we were simply going to bloody one another up. Ah well... That's what we have the mage here for, ya...?

*winks at Yank* Yank darling, if he gets me too close to death, please feel free to heal me, or something...? *looks at Hjik* And that of course goes both ways, I'm sure.

*She throws her arms up and stretches her back. She then brings her hands up in a low "white crane cools wings" (meaning my left hand is slightly in front of my right, fingers extended (but relaxed), palm out, at the same height as the right hand, which also has the fingers extended (and relaxed), though the palm is facing inward) and steps her right foot back and to slightly to the right. She takes a deep breath and throws her body into a dive roll, landing (quite catlike) in front of Hjik, where she resumes her previous stance for only a second before ramming her right palm at Hjik's jaw (Upward. I'm sure you've seen this done before.).*

The second dojo

Post 71

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

thank you for that Micah

The second dojo

Post 72

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

*Rather than trying to dodge, Hjik absorbs the blow and moves his chin with the blow. Unfortuneatly the palm stretches his chin too far up and he can feel the pain of his chin and neck tendons being unnaturally stretched upward.*

Think of it this way Jade, that would've killed just about anybody.

*Hjik takes his bloody hand and wipes down the left side of Jade's face, and smiles*

telepathic to Jade< Just a gift from me to you>

*With his left hand Hjik attempts an open handed tiger strike down the right side of Jades face, trying to cut her down the right side of her face*


The second dojo

Post 73

Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo

smiley - cool

The second dojo

Post 74

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Boosh! Let us hope you haven't got any comunicable desieases, ne? smiley - cool (Just kidding.)

*Hjik's blow catches most elegantly (oh yes, elegantly, even,) on Jade's cheek and opens a nice two inch (or so) laceration. Blood flows.*

What is this, a ghetto b***h-slap match...?

*She answers the tiger strike with a middle punch to his midsection.*

This is starting to get good! Cor! Oh, and I wanted to say (since I didn't last time) that the little rant you did for Chris there was very /very/ cute. It's cool that you two are such good friends. smiley - ok

The second dojo

Post 75

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Blood...excellent... let the jedi frenzy begin!

The second dojo

Post 76


Hey, all anarchists. I'd create a thread to communicate on, one that isn't an actual setting. Right now, I'm reccomending you take over something major, perhaps near the waterworks. HDS, you didn't hear this. On your honour, eh? smiley - winkeye

The second dojo

Post 77

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

If hostile takeover is concerned... I may become an anarchist... I wanted to be one once, but my mum wouldn't let me....

The second dojo

Post 78


If I was to help would i get to...um.....DESTROY..something?

The second dojo

Post 79


Yes. A LOT of stuff. But you'll have to know the story/rules, too.

*Tosses him a paper. A880896 *

The second dojo

Post 80

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

What? I didn't hear something that may or may not have been important.

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The second dojo

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