A Conversation for Beach House

The second dojo

Post 41


Yes it is good, for drunken boxing it is important to have just the right strengh and taste.anyway this fight is very exciting

The second dojo

Post 42

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

I wouldn't know, the only martial art I'm particularly good at is Shriwookathok. Thats a Wookie martial art. It involves less dismembering than the others and more limb breaking.
Though, I can see a smiley - stiffdrink being needed after practicing a Wookie martial art.

The second dojo

Post 43


Sounds likea fun i shall have to learn Shriwookathok someday, but as for now
*Takes a big drink from gourd*

The second dojo

Post 44

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir


*Hjik looks over at the wall and examines the different weapons.*

Hmm, against two Elvish daggars. What to use, what to use? I feel like a rich sixteen year old girl looking into her walk in closet.*

*Hjik sees the weapon he wants is hanging on the wall fifteen feet above him. It is a sword with a thin double edged blade. The blade handle is a thin cylliner of steel, eleven inches long. THe blade has a small ring for a handguard. The blade itself is 28 inches long, two inches wide. Light enough to be a one handed weapon but long enough and with the handle of a two handed weapon. Not wanting to open himself up to attack by going up there to get Hjik, HJik extends his hands and the weapon comes loose off the wall and the blade flies toward him and stabs into the ground in front of him. He picks up the blade and holds it over his shoulders*

Jade, are those daggers for me? You shouldn't have!

The second dojo

Post 45

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Yeah well, I always tell you to stretch beforehand, but do you /ever/ listen to me, Micah...? smiley - winkeye

No, they are not.

*She spins them about in her hands once more, and crosses her left hand over her right, scraping the edges of the blades together (just enough to make a slight noise comparable only to the sound one makes when one runs a finger about the rim of a wine glass,) and then flicks her arms slightly again, leaving her left hand horizontaly in front of her (the blade of this dagger pointing very appropriately left and horizontaly,), and her right in a high block, with the blade pointing downward. She runs a very pink tongue over her lips to moisten them, and then grins.*

The second dojo

Post 46

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*breathes slightly on her black-laqured fingernails, mock-polishes them on the front of her punk kitties t-shirt, grins* Have at thee, brigand. smiley - cool

The second dojo

Post 47

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Ooh! Classy, Jade! Good form!

The second dojo

Post 48


Hey check out my room I just finished it, I realy put a lot of thought into making perfect so look at it please. smiley - grovel

The second dojo

Post 49

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Nice to see the house filling up... hopefully we'll all survive staying here! smiley - laugh

The second dojo

Post 50


Yes, i also hope we survive, but i have a hard time seeing anyone killing us

The second dojo

Post 51

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

I trust Jade's control in that regard. As for Hjik, I think a strong Force shield will sufice.

The second dojo

Post 52

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Ooooh no, we'll have none of that "Force Shield" nonsense here. Those are for the weak and tallentless. ...Sorry if I've offended anyone. But really! If you're good, you'll block! ...And if you're better, you'll take a hit every now and again. This is the way ofit... the way of Continuity. (smiley - ok)

The second dojo

Post 53

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

As for the spectators surviving the backlash of this battle, well, just //watch out//. And be ready to dive out a window of things get nasty. smiley - winkeye

The second dojo

Post 54


*takes a few steps toward the window*

The second dojo

Post 55

Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo


smiley - lurk

The second dojo

Post 56

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

I love that Yoda reference at the end of the Quote, that was great. *slides goldengauntletty thingy over left hand, flexxes his fingers to be sure its on right.* I think a blast from my Goa'uld ribbon device should do the trick (A device which is difficult to master when one is not actually a Goa'uld smiley - smiley) and as to taking a hit, you should see this battle: F87324?thread=245768&skip=0&show=20 Enjoy! (Chronos and I bettle for the first part, then we tire eachother out and rest alittle, and then Craxus fights Chronos. Fun stuff)

The second dojo

Post 57

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

ooc ooc

*Hjik walks a semi-circle around Jade, getting closer to her as he walks*

Part of me hates swinging a sword at me, cause I like you and all, but the thing is, I really love myself.

*Hjik throws a retracting swing at Jade's midsection, then swings straight up at her chin*

ooc telepathic message to Jade:ooc

ooc telepathic message to HDS: ooc

The second dojo

Post 58

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

You really are a sentimental bloke, en't you...?

*Jade geins and flicks Hjik's blade away with a simple outside sweep of her left knife hand. She then plunges down her right hand (bear in mind that the blade is still high above her head with the blade pointing downward) in the general direction of Hjik's forearm.*

The second dojo

Post 59

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

If not today then tomorrow, or some other convenient day this week, I believe that Lews and I can duel this saturday or sunday I'll have to ask him first of course

The second dojo

Post 60

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

(In reply to your earlier ooc, Hjik,) Alas that there is a world in which people are not as limber as I!

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The second dojo

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