Cows and Stagecoaches and Trains, oh my. . . Bucolic? Yes, we're bucolic. We're also urban. And modern. And postmodern. And retro. You know, the usual sort of h2g2 Post mashup. All designed to keep your little grey cells in motion on a drizzly, grey November day. Or night. Or at three a.m., when you can't sleep, and there's nothing on the telly but infomercials for diet supplements. . . turn the thing off and read the Post. It's guaranteed to restore your catecholamine balance by stimulating mental activity. Okay, not really, but hey: looking at all the great pictures will make you feel better, even if we don't have a scientific explanation for it. Let's just call it the 'h2g2 phenomenon'.
People are getting a lot of good h2g2 endorphins this month. Our NaJoPoMo journal writers have been doing their best to entertain, enlighten, and stimulate. Want to know who to read? Just consult last week's Editorial page for the list of cooperating NaJoers. You'll enjoy the daily posts, and the back-and-forth of commentary. You might even learn something.
Of course, those who have already purchased their personal copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Earth Edition/Space and Space Travel Volume 1 (we thought we'd go for pretentious right out of the gate) are in possession of their piece of h2g2 history. We have it on good authority that our tome is currently gracing some very elegant coffee tables. Order yours today.
With all that going on, what is the Post up to this week? Oh, we're so glad you asked. (Evil grin, as the Prof says.) We have the elegant overflow from the journals, plus our usual features, and it's going to be a fun read this week that will definitely get those endorphins flowing.
- Asteroid Lil is back! She popped into the Office (electronically) the other day, and while we were catching up on this and that, she happened to mention her new hobby. Which happened to involve designing things online with a program called Blender. Whether you've heard of it or not, you're going to want to see what she's made. The designs are mind-blowing. We'll let her tell it.
- h2g2ers do get out and about. A few months ago now, our Icy North was touristing in Dublin. You've already seen some of the art he found there. This week, help us caption the rather unusual sculpture group he's photographed. Warning: if you found the 1957 film Beginning of the End unsettling, what with the giant locusts and all, you might think twice about this week's Caption Challenge.
- Willem gets out in nature, too. This week, our artist introduces us to another small but adorable antelope (the 'Aw' factor around here is worth more endorphins). He's also been on another of those astonishing nature tours, and brought back bounty in the form of stunning photos. Share and enjoy.
- Awix's review of Murder on the Orient Express arrived when Your Editor was alone at the computer. The Editor did not remain alone for long. The noises emanating from the Post Office roused alarm, one human, two cats, and a small dog. Elektra at least understood, once I'd stopped choking and managed to read a bit of it aloud. The dog is still puzzled. If you read only one cinema review this month, make it this one. Except Superfrenchie...Superfrenchie, don't read this...oh, wait, Poirot is Belgian, never mind. This review is definitely good for your health
- We have quizzes to puzzle you with. Check out your knowledge of Chinese nature, historical diarists, and Isle of Wight speakers. Exercising your brain will generate more positive body chemistry.
- Our Post photo contributors have been working overtime. In addition to the fabulous pictures you'll find in our NaJo journal, Pics from a Small Planet (see link below), we have some extras this week. bobstafford has a very atmospheric steam train to show you. Superfrenchie has discovered that there are cows in France (who knew?). Your Editor has gone beyond the limits of your GPS in an attempt to map some of the higher-priced real estate in the Infernal Regions. You will be astonished and educated.
- There's a sad political anniversary coming up this month, as the US commemorates yet again the shocking assassination of John F Kennedy in 1963. It was a watershed event for many. This year's anniversary is stirring more interest because of the recent release of previously-withheld classified documents concerning the investigation. Not to be outdone by those other publications, the h2g2 Post did some digging and found a document of particular concern to British Researchers. It seems that someone made an anonymous phone call to the Cambridge News, about twenty-five minutes before the event. We, of course, suspect that this is the long-awaited Proof of Time Travel. Read our exciting exposé in this week's issue, entitled 22.11.63 (Unlike Stephen King, we write the date correctly.)
There's the Obligatory Cat Photo. I almost forgot, but Molly reminded me. She's had an exciting week. Production of this week's issue was complicated by rain. Last Monday morning, during a particularly nasty downpour, an ominous drip appeared in the ceiling. Buckets were procured, and worrying took place. But by an astounding act of synchronicity, the Editor's brother-in-law appeared, unscheduled, at the front door – only ten minutes later. He called his friend Bob the Builder, a ladder was borrowed, and repairs quickly effected. (We only had to empty two closets, and they needed cleaning out, anyway.) Our conclusion? Somebody Up There approves of the h2g2 Post. That was Divine Intervention. The Post Office was restored, down to Molly's favourite sitting box, from which she takes swipes at Lola, the dog.
So there you have it: a stellar line-up, as always. And remember, reading the h2g2 Post is good for your health So read, comment, make notes! Sent me more Stuff! (This even applies to Bluebottle.)
And have a wonderful week, even if it rains!
Dmitri Gheorgheni