Science Fiction Extravaganza Greetings, Earth Researchers. This week, the h2g2 Post wraps up a month of science fiction, courtesy of Create. We've got a science quiz for you geeks. Our contributors have gone all out to bring you fiction and cartoons. Freewayriding has even infiltrated the Create Labs, who knew? On top of that, we've uncovered some ancient scifi, translated from the Greek. The translators got into a tussle over whether the ancient astronauts were usingh giant turnips or radishes as ammo. Too bad they didn't have any killer tomatoes. They agreed about the giant spiders, though. No cheesy scifi tale would be complete without giant arachnids.
We've got regular Stuff, too. Willem has a gorgeous deer species, and an intriguing plant. Amy's talking to Asteroid Lil. Awix is back at the cinema, and Ben's back to tell us what's what in RL. Rod's in the workshop, and Galaxy Babe's looking up, as always. Anthea's Duck is, well, being himself.
We hope you've enjoyed this month. Come March, you're going to be looking at a new challenge: what goes in like a lion, and comes out like a lamb? You're sure to find this one inspirational.
Read, leave comments.Let 'em know you care. And remember to take your laser veggie peeler, if you're heading into space!
Dmitri Gheorgheni