Create Update
Created | Updated Dec 12, 2011

So the h2g2 Nation's Journal Posting Month, or NaJoPoMo, the task of posting a journal entry every day for the month of November has now come to an end and we can reveal who was able to stick it out for the full thirty days.
An impressive nineteen reserchers from a starting list of thirty six made it to the end of the challenge. A special shout out to hellboundforjoy who won the limited edition collection of h2g2 writings created as part of the bid process.
Semi finalists
We also had some honorable nearlys, with only the odd missed post or midnight deadline here and there.
Writers' choice
Of course, with thirty days to fill, some posts are going to be better than others. Some of our favourite posts from the month are:Fizzymouse's daughter's musical triumph.
Santragenius V's amazing scouts.
Metal Chicken's wild food experiment.
Honest Iago's confession of first love.
The full monty
NajoPoMo paticipants have been busy putting their thirty posts into handy grids so that we can peruse them at our leisure. You can find the collected works of the NaJoPoMoers 2011 here.
Looking ahead
We hope the rest of h2g2 enjoyed November's jounalling experiment. We are hoping to repeat it next year and are making some plans to make it faster, wilder, harder. Or, as it may be, not.