A Conversation for The Community Artists
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Started conversation Sep 7, 2012
*Politely wipes feet and knocks*
Anyone about?
Just checking.
Did have a membership hereabouts back in the
ages, but probably been
by the
Anyway, here's a new to put my name down as an Official
photographer. I have Photoshop and Lightroom, but haven't used it yet. Time!!!
Anyway, feel free to put requests.
Also I have photos for my Hooden Horse entry, A87767527
If you could indicate where to send them, there are 9 to chose from, please let me know.
and good luck.
*PS - I still haven't received my badge for the CREATE challenge from January, and my entry: Rhinoceros - A285185. Who do I need to prod?*
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Sep 8, 2012
I'd be happy to get you back as a volunteer, but you have to be aware of some changes:
We are now working of a single combined team of Artists and Photographers. our work is completely done on Trello (www.trello.com) so you would have to sign up there and then send us your email address (the one you registered on trello) to artists at h2g2 dot com so we can invite you to the trello group.
Also our schedule is a bit tighter than what it was (which doesn't mean that we're working all the time) and we really need active people.
You can find some information here:
additionally all volunteers have to agree to a new CoC:
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
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