A Conversation for What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 81

psychocandy-moderation team leader

For me the issue is one of exploitation- so yes, I avoid any cosmetic or medicinam product manufactured by companies which use animal byproducts or engage in animal testing.

Though avoiding petrol would be pushing it for me, as I've no proof anyone exploited the dinosaurs or caused their deaths in order to obtain it.

I do the best I can, but in cases where I've eaten/ used something I wish to avoid by accident, or have made my best effort but been unable to avoid it, I don't beat myself up about it.

Z, since I'm terminally nice and mortified about creating scenes... maybe you or someone in this thread can advise me how to deal with the sort of people (I'm thinking of a grandmother-in-law in particular) who insist on waving hunks of meat in my face and telling me I don't know what I'm "missing". smiley - ill

I'm really lookiing forward to seeing this Entry in the Guide. smiley - smiley

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 82

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I think a *collaborative* (so as not to be all biased one way or t'other smiley - winkeye) Entry on the ethics of meat eating (and related topics) would be a brilliant and thought-provoking addition to the site.

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 83

psychocandy-moderation team leader

medicinam= medicinal. No idea where that typo came from. The keys aren't that close to each other. smiley - erm

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 84

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

latin tendancies coming through?

And yes, a big ethics entry would be fun

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 85


Entry: What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas - A87724830
Author: Z / Dr Zen - U185843

For ease of clickage.

I've often catered for just the one veggie (a family member) at Christmas and have very often gone for a homemade pie. My gravy is inavariably veggie (I cheat like mad and use the Bisto best one smiley - blush)

Good entry, and some very good ideas for this year too smiley - smiley

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 86

McKay The Disorganised

Z you know how easy it is to start a fight on h2g2 - what were you thinking.

smiley - cider

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 87

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Are there any substitutes for a good smiley - mammoth?

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 88

Little Lost Mammoth

I believe Linda McCartney does an excellent range.

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 89

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Does she give the best places to lay your hands on high quality mammoth?

I'm worried about low-grade smiley - mammoth flooding the market

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 90



Please can we all get back to saying how lovely my entry is please?

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 91

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Your entry is lovely

So, distraction, yay or nay?

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 92


"Please can we all get back to saying how lovely my entry is please?"

It's all getting a bit Graham Norton around here. smiley - run

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 93

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

>>There's a huge difference between mentioning that some people hypocritically claim to be vegetarian whilst still eating meat and outright saying that vegetarians can eat meat. This entry does the former quite unambiguously,<<

smiley - erm No... no it doesn't make it clear they are being hypocritical, at least not when I read it. Perhaps you have to be in the right comedy zone. I clearly am not.

>> ...so if you need a stepladder to get off that high horse I'll go fetch one.<<

I'm not on a high horse, just saying it as I see it. I haven't been a Vegetarian for nearly a year now. I switched to a piscatarian diet in February because of concerns about my Osteoporosis, cracking neck bones and fused vertebrae. Sometimes I still think like a veggie, I was one for 28 years, but don't worry, I can tell I am at odds with the consensus here. I and my nice horsey will duly from this convo.smiley - pony

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 94


"No... no it doesn't make it clear they are being hypocritical, at least not when I read it."

Nor need it, I'm afraid. The statement in the entry is a statement of fact - "Some people who do X, say Y". Whether or not they are using the word vegetarian correctly is, in my opinion, outwith the scope of the entry.

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 95


Hi Radox

I agree with you, we do need to acknowledge that not all people who say they are vegetarian actually are.

I was planning to reword it.

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 96

Secretly Not Here Any More

Z, doesn't this give you a great opportunity to open the entry with a humorous definition of what a vegetarian is? Something along the lines of (but less clumsy than)

"A vegetarian is defined as someone who doesn't eat the flesh of an animal. Even a chicken, despite the protestations of a few guilt-stricken carnivores..."

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 97


I meant to say, you could probably add to the things you shouldn;t do when confronted with a vegetarian is say '...because I knew this vegetarian once who said they were veggie but actually they ate chicken.'

And I believe KB is in for some kind of 'outwith' prize there.

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 98

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor


Sorry, I skipped most of the backlog.

What is Nut Roast Ready Meal? My mental eye gives me the picture of a packed of salted peanuts but I guess that's wrong. smiley - erm

I agree with what Pastey said on page 2 or something. It's too short and has too little detail. Could you explain the um... can't spell that.. the blueprints for the food smiley - winkeye a bit better? I have difficulties with imaginating how it is done. But mind you, my cooking goes as far as eggs and boiled potatoes.

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 99


Do you mean the recipes?

I can go into more detail.

A87724830 - What to do with a Vegetarian at Christmas

Post 100

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Yes please.

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