A Conversation for Manchester Meet - Saturday February 18th 2012

Friday Attendance

Post 101


No that is a walk up fare. There should be a ticket machine and office at the airport station - if not buy on the train.

Friday Attendance

Post 102

aka Bel - A87832164

Thank you. smiley - smiley

Friday Attendance

Post 103

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Good to know you can actually buy on the train. Here they fine you if you don't have a ticket bought in advance!

smiley - pirate

Friday Attendance

Post 104

Titania (gone for lunch)

Not in Sweden... smiley - tongueout They'll add a fee though for not purchasing a ticket until onboard though - I think it might be around *calculates* 6 or 7 Euro...

Friday Attendance

Post 105

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - offtopic I think it's 600 Danish kroner here ( = £67 = 81 euro)

Friday Attendance

Post 106

Secretly Not Here Any More

I tested whether or not I could come straight from work, sans food, and just dive headlong into the drinking.

You know, for science?

Apparently I should definitely stop off for eats. Especially given my penchant for 9% stouts.

Friday Attendance

Post 107

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

The Deansgate station is actually called "Deansgate" and not "Manchester Deansgate", which is odd because it's about 100 m from "Manchester Oxford Road", which is about 100 m from "Manchester Picadilly"...

Friday Attendance

Post 108


Technically, just to get confusing, the station is Knott Station and the platform is Deansgate Station smiley - winkeye

Actually, why isn't it Manchester Deansgate?

Friday Attendance

Post 109

Secretly Not Here Any More


It used to be Deansgate G-Mex. Despite G-Mex not being G-Mex for about a decade.

They only changed the tram stop's name to Deansgate-Castlefield last year.

Friday Attendance

Post 110


I've always wondered why it isn't Deansgate Locks, both the train station and the tram station, since they're both right above the locks. Mind you, I've never understood why Deansgate station still exists, given it's so close to Oxford Road and not that many trains stop there.

Oddly the walk across from the AMC cinema (if it's still there) to the tram station is one of my favourite parts of the city, just because of the height and the views you get: it always feels like you shouldn't be able to get up there.

Friday Attendance

Post 111


Have a look above the main entrance to Deansgate Station, you'll see it actually says Knott Station.

I'll have to dig out the old city centre maps, it's what the wife does for a living anyway, characterising Olde Manchester smiley - winkeye

Friday Attendance

Post 112

Bald Bloke

It used to be Knott Mill, I think the old sign built into the station still says that. I'll have took next time I'm going through in daylight.

Friday Attendance

Post 113

Bald Bloke

And the encyclopaedia galatica does the business even with a photo

Friday Attendance

Post 114

Secretly Not Here Any More

So, how many people are here on the Friday then?

Friday Attendance

Post 115


It's looking to be about 20.

Friday Attendance

Post 116


The list says 21, I think. smiley - smiley

Friday Attendance

Post 117


Bigger than quite a few meets smiley - biggrin

Friday Attendance

Post 118

Secretly Not Here Any More

Given the price in Port St, I ain't getting a round in. That's fer sure.

Friday Attendance

Post 119

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

If anybody is still looking for something to do on Friday night, my friends and I will be going to this: http://www.megabyteclub.co.uk/
I've meant to go ever since I heard about it, but it's just not come together the last few months. Now they're doing a j-music special, and I can't miss it!

Friday Attendance

Post 120

Secretly Not Here Any More

Friend of mine went to that a few weeks back. It's apparently a right laugh. Not my scene though.

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