A Conversation for Manchester Meet - Saturday February 18th 2012

Friday Attendance

Post 41

Titania (gone for lunch)

Perfect, thanks Pastey!smiley - ok

Friday Attendance

Post 42


You'll also need this one:


smiley - winkeye

Friday Attendance

Post 43


Those directions to the hotel take you to the wrong Ibis hotel

You could try these directions instead.


Friday Attendance

Post 44


Isn't Oxford Road Sation closer? And it doesn't involve walking through the red light district.

Friday Attendance

Post 45

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

If your train stops at Oxford Road, that'll be ideal. Not all of them do though, even if they are coming in from that direction.

Friday Attendance

Post 46

Titania (gone for lunch)

Red light districts don't bother me much - after all, I'm ethereal and have my own SEP field - and am generally regarded as mostly harmless - o r maybe just plain lucky.

Friday Attendance

Post 47

Titania (gone for lunch)

Or I keep my guardian smiley - angel extremely busy...

Friday Attendance

Post 48

Titania (gone for lunch)

Which reminds me of the time (yes, the hour is late and I've had a few G&Ys) that I visited Oostende in Belgium, and went to what my guide book lead me to believe was a hostel, when in fact it had been turned into a 'rent a room by the hour' place... the bartender gave me an odd look when I asked if they had any room available and carefully suggested I have a look around first... which is when I realised what kind of place I had wandered into... smiley - blush

Friday Attendance

Post 49

Titania (gone for lunch)

G&Ts, that should have been

Friday Attendance

Post 50

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

The area I gather is regarded is the Red Light District (although I've never seen anything blatant there myself, tbh) is on the far side of the station. Going from Picadilly station to Ibis, the only major thing in between is Manchester Uni North Campus (formerly UMIST campus), which is perfectly nice.

Friday Attendance

Post 51

Secretly Not Here Any More

Sackville Street and Minshull Street are prime areas for streetwalkers. And believe me, you wouldn't be tempted.

Friday Attendance

Post 52

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

But Retro Bar is on Sackville St.! Surely that means it can't be all bad. In fact, I used to cross that street several times a day (or night)when I lived in student halls on the UMIST campus, and never noticed anything ... seedy.
Oh wait, perhaps you mean further up. On further investigation, Minshull Street is at one end of Canal St. In fact, both of those streets cross the Gay Village. I have to admit that I've heard some alarming things about the park down there, between Whitworth St. and the canal...

Friday Attendance

Post 53

Secretly Not Here Any More

It is an alarming park.

Friday Attendance

Post 54


smiley - lurk By the way, do they also serve non-alcoholic drinks there? smiley - erm

Friday Attendance

Post 55

Secretly Not Here Any More

Non... Non-alcoholic... Drink?

You mean like rain?

Friday Attendance

Post 56


Yes, I'll only drink it if it's *clean* rain. smiley - smiley
Otherwise, I''l stick to fruit juice (non fermented)
Any chance?
smiley - grovel

Friday Attendance

Post 57


Port Street sells coke and a few things like Ginger Beer, maybe even root beer. Some fruit juices too.

No hot drinks mind.

Font servers non-alcoholic cocktails.

Friday Attendance

Post 58

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I would be extremely surprised to find a bar in western Europe that doesn't do at least cola.

Friday Attendance

Post 59

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Sometimes I order a soda water with lime cordial or fresh orange to break the monotony of J20s when I'm not drinking smiley - smiley

Friday Attendance

Post 60


Port Street doesn't sell J2Os, or Red Bull, or any of the many similar things.

No Jaegermeister, no house doubles. Closest to a cocktail would be a Ginnentonix. They do have a few decent whiskies and sell a limited range of wine (one red, one white, one pink) by the glass.

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