The Post introduces the h2g2 Romances

4 Conversations

smiley - cupidsmiley - lovesmiley - kisssmiley - cuddlesmiley - cupidsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - cupidsmiley - lovesmiley - kisssmiley - cuddlesmiley - cupidsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - cupidsmiley - love

They Met Through h2g2!1

Married smiley - handcuffs

Shea and T J.
Lady Elly and Saint Bobsmiley - stout
Ginger the Feisty and Doug
Cloviscat and Lipsbury
Archangel Kes and mari-rae.

Engaged smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Archangel Fashion Catsmiley - angeland smiley - devilDemon Drawer.
Paul Prefect and Eomando.
Peregrin and Tinkerbell.

Living together

Shazzsmiley - magicand TowelMastersmiley - towel and engaged!smiley - bubbly
Ottox and Sunny.
J'au-æmne and me[Andy]g.

Courting couples

Metal Chicken and Phil.
Hati and Englander.
nim the cat and Falern.
Spartus and Amandasmiley - panda.
Clive the flying ostrich and Amy +.
Lifson Kofie and Increase Mathers.
Smilodon Prefect and Researcher Ford.

There are other romances that I know about, but they are secret, and wild smiley - ponysmiley - ponysmiley - pony would not drag their names from my lips. Unless they wouldn't mind the whole smiley - earth knowing they will remain a secret.smiley - winkeye

Other h2g2 couples

Goshoogoshoogosh and Blue Valentine.
Abi and IanG.
Kaz and Moonglum Clampflower
Jim Lynn and Bernadette Lynn
Greebo T.Cat and Stooby

Monsy and Fairly

Archangel Galaxy Babe

10.10.02 Front Page

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1Data updated on 30.11.03... ed

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