A Conversation for h2g2 Philosopher's Guild Members Page

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 121

If the universe is infinite, then im "a" center, 21+4^1+8+9=42

i want to join

If the universe is infinite, then im "a" center, 21+4^1+8+9=42

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 122

Researcher 185550

Roadkill - Unfortunately, I don't know anything.

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 123


Please type in your name and a Philosophical Phrase to join.
Are we all philosophers with varying degrees of latency?

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 124


Please type in your name and a Philosophical Phrase to join.
Are we all philosophers with varying degrees of latency?

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 125

Researcher 185550

I think that the answer to that question is a resounding "maybe".

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 126


Life is a sexually transmitted disease which is invariably fatal.

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 127

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I'm allergic to latency.
It's the powder, I think.

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 128

Researcher 185550

Right then.

But is life only sexually transmitted? Don't forget the aemoebas!

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 129


Why, where did I leave them? (I'm sorry, I couldn't resist that.)

But that was a good question, actually ( smiley - wah damn your eyes).

I suppose I COULD change to 'Life is a sexually transmitted disease which is invariably fatal ... unless you're an amoeba' but it sort of loses it's punch, don't you think?

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 130

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

It does. You could modify it, reduce it rather than expand it.

"Life is the only thing that is invariably fatal"

How is that?

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 131

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish


h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 132

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

yes but true i supose.....

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 133


The thing is, I rather liked the bit about life being a sexually transmitted disease. I want people to read the statement and say, 'Wow, he's right you know, that's very deep. Must be a clever chap, that Slarvibarglhee,' even if I'm not.

It's an ego thing, ergo I'd like to keep it as it was originally and hope that not too many people will argue the point.

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 134


Pay no attention to Roadkill -- just stirring things up to discomfit you. When you say anything beginning 'Life is . . .' people expect you are talking about human life. And even though amoebas are innocent of the highs and lows we are to thank sex for, it still doesn't falsify your statement which can be read as 'life is (among other things) a sexually transmitted fatal disease'.

It's that 'is' again -- slippery character -- sets himself up as though saying that things are all covered, but it ain't necessarily so.

Cheese is made from cows' milk.

True, and also not (exclusively) true. Hah! smiley - aliensmile

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 135

Researcher 185550

Fair enough.

But isn't getting rid of assumption vital to philosophical method? You assume the world exists. You assume effect follows cause. But do you know?

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 136


"But isn't getting rid of assumption vital to philosophical method?"

No hope. No need.

"You assume the world exists."

Not required.

"You assume effect follows cause."

No. Given eternal beings, effects can be planted anywhere.

"But do you know?"

Hootoo ergo sum.

Any more questions?

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 137

Researcher 185550

smiley - biggrin

I like the last one.

Perhaps, instead of, "you" I should have written "one".

Though according to your first answer, I would ask whether this means that if I assume that there are, at this moment, only three biscuits in the world. There is no hope no hope of getting rid of this assumption, and also no need. smiley - erm?

The cogito is not as secure as Descartes would have liked it to be.

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 138


"Though according to your first answer, I would ask whether this means that if I assume that there are, at this moment, only three biscuits in the world." - er, yes, what? Didn't your mum ever tell you to always finish your sentences and not leave untidy clauses lying around?

I'm beginning to think that I should try a different assumption. How about this one? "There are two types of people in the world. Those who think there are two types of people in the world, and those who don't."

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 139


Now now now! Boys and girls, settle down! This is in danger of turning into a . . . a . . . discussion!smiley - steam

h2g2 Philosopher's Guild

Post 140

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

She never told me that, I had to work it out all by myself. There was meant to be something on the end, I just can't remember what it was at the moment.

I like the other assumption.

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