If the universe is infinite, then im a center
Hey my name is Jonathan and i became a member here because i searched for like 5 hours for a place where i can discuss thoughts of things that i am interested in without my normal friends winding up saying "huh? what that" which is really anoying cause even after i explain it they still dont get it, im not naming names incase they read this and stop being friends with me.
Well some of the things that i am interested in are theoritical physics about things like parallel universes, black holes and whether or not time is real or just an illusion that only us humans expiernce.
I am also interested in space and maths.
If you are wondering about my name it is something that Steven Hawking wrote, he said that if the universe was infinite then any point could be called the center because there is an infinite amount of space in any direction
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If the universe is infinite, then im "a" center, 21+4^1+8+9=42
Researcher U214189
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