A Conversation for World War Battlefield

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 1


The Rules: Go by the World War One terrain mentioned on the battlefield page. Try as much as you can to stick to period weapons, and when you first join the team join either the good guys or the bad guys. In the future a list will be made so you don't have to remember all the time.

Enjoy!smiley - smiley

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 2

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*arrives in his new clean uniform and dives into the muddy trench, setting up defences*

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 3

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Sets up a .50 calibre machine gun next to AJ*

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 4


*Skullock Marches on to the feild and joins the bad guys.*

*Runs over to the air strip and climbs into a Red Baron style airplane.*

*Yelling over the sound of the prop starting up.* Hey, Can I get a tail gunner over here!?

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 5


Alrighty then, we have, preparing for the great battle, AJ rimmer and HDS on side unknown, and Skullock for the bad guys! This is gonna turn out to be a hell of a good battle!smiley - biggrin

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 6

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

We are good guys!
*picks up a BAR and peeks over the edge*

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 7


smiley - cool

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 8

Secretly Not Here Any More

Aye, but I'm torn between my English birth and Austrian lineage. Well, suppose to do as my Great Great Grandfather did at Ypres and pick up my bolt action rifle, fix bayonets and kick some Huns. For Blighty! Erm, I mean the good guys!

::dives into a forward trench to wait for instructions from HQ::

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 9

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*pulls on comfortable low interference gas mask and suit and polishes his big f*ck off shiney Browning .50 calibre. Checks his massive store of ammo boxes and makes sure his Colt .45 and Bren gun are all in working order*

goody gumdrops! This Dough Boy is ready! Lets take it to the Hun!

even though I am 1/4 Hun!

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 10

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*recieives orders from HQ*
Bzzxcczzzzz this is command to forward outpost Alpha Gamma 9zzzzzz he enemyy-y-y is attempting to charge the frozzzzz. rxcccxrrrzz achieved air superiority, they have achieved air superiority, you need to lay down support fire for the boys in sector 12-A, outpost Alpha Echo 7 is about to begin a counterattack, give tzzzzz pport annzzxcrrrz...

radio wasn't used much I know but telegrams just aren't as much fun. And I am veeeeery little hun btw

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 11

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*blows away a whole lot of enemy troops with the big f*ck off shiny 50 cal.*

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 12


*Takes off into the air wishing that he had some allies.*

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 13

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*mans an AA flak gun*

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 14

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*Screams for help*

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 15


*Starts putting on an air show all the while dodging shots from the flak battery.*

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 16

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Shoots a whole smiley - bleep of alot at the fighter over head with his massive Browning 50.*

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 17


Muahahahaha! You'll never hit me! You'll never....

*The engine starts sputtering.*

smiley - doh

*A thick black smoke begings rolling from the engine.*

Cough, cough.

*Attempts to take the plane down near the water away from enemy hand but his landing capabilities are greatly inhibited.*

*A small speck can be seen falling from the plane moments before if cashes in to a firey heap on the ground.*

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 18

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

ow. That must hurt. That kind of thing is why I'm proud to be a ground pounder.

*Shoots at the enemy lines*

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 19


*a parasute pops out from the tiny speck and it sails happily to the ground.*

World War One Battle: Good Guys V Bad Guys

Post 20

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

They didn't have parachutes back then did they?
*Shoots at the time-paradoxy parachuter*

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