A Conversation for World War Battlefield

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 81

Reality Manipulator

It's me again. I need alot of sleep, I have just had my breakfast, vitamins, minerals, supplementary oils and herbal remedies. By the way my relaxation technique posting is now called stress control. Writing this posting has caused me alot of stress because the peer review are allways find fault with what I have written. I keep on telling them I am limited to what I can write in their as I am webtvuser but sadly that goes over their head. Why do not we have a Thundercats celebration ball and banquet!

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 82

Loup Dargent

14 hours without an army while some individuals who are not soldiers were waiting for you...

check the postings...

and the thundercats don't have to fight this war as they are NOT an army but because you keep saying they are wimps when they don't show up they feel they have to...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 83

Loup Dargent

i have to go for a while...

RL duties that i can't avoid unfortunately...

i will try to come back for a bit asap but i do feel that you should have waited for all the armies to be present too before starting this battle... as there is no armies fighting you and your allies the thundercats seem to have become the "target of the month"...

talk later...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 84


War is leaning idly agains a partially collapsed bunker cleaning his railgun...

War: this has got to be the most boring war i've ever been involved with...

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 85


* smiley - run in wearing full plate armour leading Tewdric *

Phew, I've not missed much this weekend then! Right where are we needed then?

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 86

Loup Dargent

bishop odo: nope you haven't missed much [apart from my ranting... hehe]...

just popped in to see how it's going... no enemy in sight [as i'm not gonna fight my fellow knights innit!...] so it's back to RL duties... [doh!]

BTW once i've finished one of my entries [very soon hopefully] i think that i will have honoured my new title in a way that will please the knights...

talk later...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 87


Still nothing happening here......where is everyone?

smiley - smiley hello Loup, glad your postion has come through. New entry sounds interesting.

* tethers Tewdric and begins polishing sword *

smiley - whistle

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 88


The fearless leader has returned! If I remember correctly the Thundercat Vs Terranic army thread (which at its peak was the second most popular conversation in h2g2) took a long time to kick off, so this is just following the trend. Hopefully all the other armies will soon catch on, and we can really get started.

Field-Marshall Terran

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 89


of everyone could encourage everyone else to join this army that would be good. if u could get ppl who aren't already in an army to join this battle then they can either join an army or create a new temporary fighting organisation. they could call it anything eg. the fight for the liberation of dots, the pink elephant foundation, the giant egg team etc.

the more people u can get to join this battle, the more fun it will be.


Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 90


*Walks back to the base, leaving crater like footprints in the ground. Begins to patrol again.*

Well, we'll see who shows.

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 91


War mutters about lazy hippies and takes up point for Myst again.

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 92

Loup Dargent

hi everyone...

first... thanks bishop odo...

everyone: i'm not exactly sure but it seems that the thundercats might lose their leaders for good...

so i don't really know if they are in the mood for a battle or not... i haven't got in touch with them yet... some of you might actually know more about it than me...
i thought i would let you know just in case...

i will obviously try to find out more as if the worst happens they gonna need a lot of support...

i'll be back asap...

i really wished too that there were more armies involved in this battle... as at least you could have fun while the thundercats make a decision about their future...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 93


I would be gutted if that happens. Maybe they could elect a new leader?

Terran smiley - earth

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 94

Mr. Legion

*Wanders across the battlefield with a rifle slung over shoulder, wearing a sign which reads:

MERCENARY: Will Kill People 4 Food*

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 95


Ah good! I see the Thingites are here.

Terran smiley - earth

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 96


a new person to the battle at last.
i think our troops should start to be put through training exercises to get them ready for this battle.


Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 97


Faster than you'd think a man in that much armor (thank the creator for living armor) War is standing before spook. He snaps a sharp salute and then folds his arms behind his back.

War: Sir! I would be pleased to take up the role of Senior Drill Sergeant. I have several centuries of field combat under my belt and an extensive history of command.

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 98


So, War, how's Death doing these days? And I heard about Ronnie maybe coming back to the big four, is that right?

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 99

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Now, now, War... who's side are you on? And why are you shooting at Mysty? That could make me angry. Let's not do that. smiley - cross

*Swoops to a landing on Derrael in front of Mr.Legion* Hello, there! I do hope you do not intend to behave or be peaceful or sane... this thread really needs some excitement! Do you like my crossbow? The arrows are diamond edged adamantium... cut through anything! See?*points it at Legion with enthusiasm* Isn't it a beaut? You wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of her, now would ya smiley - winkeye? And hey... did you bring anything from the mini-bar?

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 100


War: Bah... Huey is on assignment with Pestilence and we'll not talk about Ronnie... we've already replaced him rather well.

"taking point for myst" doesn't mean i'm shooting at him... it means i'm staying several paces in front of him to screen out any threats that may be lurking... get your military terms right =P

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