A Conversation for World War Battlefield

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 41


Leaps the last few yards to the terran line and takes cover behind an armored baracade. A quick incantation contains a close grenade blast. He slips his Maul into the depthless darkness of his cloak and pulls free a Colt M1A rifle. Humming softly to himself he slams in a clip and chambers the first round. On a brief pause in owlatrons' firing (perhaps for reload or such) he slides the barrel of his rifle through the firing slit of the baracade and lets off short bursts towards her position.

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 42


War: Syd, scan the airwaves for the Terran frequency and transmit the standard support request.

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 43


*Mystrunner maneuvers his Guymelif infront of Huey, the rifle rounds bouncing harmlessly off his thick armour. He crouches, raises a hand, and sends a blast of 900 degree flame to the thumdercat's front line.*

<inside cockpit? Got you covered...

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 44


*Turns the gun barrel of the tank towards the Thundercat line and fires a a shot. Then steps out of the tank*

As you can see I take a very hands on approach to leadership.

Hello War. Do you prefare to be called War or Huey? Anyway welcome aboard!

Field-Marshall Terran smiley - earth

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 45


War props his rifle against the barracade and snaps off a salute to Terran.

War: Very prompt response time. And I am War, there is a long story as to why i'm even in this plane... but lets just say Huey is on assignment with Pestilence and i don't have much to do at least until the civil war on p-346.443... and there is that uprising on p-492.232, i wonder if Famine has finished the prep work on that... errr- sorry, just some family business...

The Thundercat line has quieted somewhat as minor fires still blaze alone the trenches. War reaches into his trenchcoat and tosses a small device into the air. With a near silent hum the device lifts out of sight above the clouds.

War: Syd, check the telemetry.

<> Reciever at maximum power. Resolution is at 97%.

War: Sir, my resources are yours to command. The mini-sat will provide us with real-time imagery in several spectrums.

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 46


Very good. Will this help the confusion over the many different armies with members in more than one army?

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 47


War seems a touch perplexed for a moment.

War: I had not considered that a problem.... would that not be a weakness for us to exploit?

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 48


Yes I believe it could be... Though it will need alot of intelligence and reconaisance. I will have to send out my scouts.

FM Terran smiley - earth

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 49

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Tell me what you need and I'm on it, sir!

*Lobs a grenade over Thundercat lines*

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 50

Reality Manipulator

I am I the only thundercat here?
Why are all those Terran and alliance soldiers picking on me when I am on my own? Why do not you wait until the other Thundercats and our allies have arrived. It seems that I am only the one in the Thundercats trenches.

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 51

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

I never underestimate a Jedi!

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 52


*Mystrunner pilots the Guymelif further towards the enemy lines.*

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 53

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

*hops on Derreal and takes flight, following Mystrunner and drawing crossbow for whatever may come*

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 54


War hands a case full of small headset recievers to Terran.

War: The comm frequency for these is routed through the mini-com and allow for spacial positioning too.

War glances over at the Guymelif and moves to take up a sweeping position. Nanites rapidly convert energy to matter- sealing his helmet and expanding his armor to raise his height to nearly nine feet. Heavy Railgun held at the ready, he strides point for the Guymelif.

You shot first!

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 55

Reality Manipulator

I wonder why it has gone so quiet. Is everyone having their lunch? Well I will use my 303 rifle to shoot at the terran/alliance soldiers because I am bored. I will now throw may favourite weapon, the grenade. I seem to be doing all the fighting for the Thundercats.

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 56


*puts up shield*

Mmm... don't you need to say something like : "Thundercats Ho!"? to get them all to come in

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 57


now jedi woman. if u don't want to fight by yourself for the thundercats then simply convince the other thundercats to join this thread. the only reason i can think of for the others not being here is that they are afraid of the terranic army, but that's nothing to be ashamed off.


Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 58


Yes. Fear of us is quite understandable. And if you ask immediately to surrender, we will understand, and graciously accept.

FM Terran smiley - earth

Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 59


and if u want to join us, we would also be happy to welcome u t our ranks.


Ultimate World War Zone: All Armies War

Post 60

Loup Dargent

"mmmmmmmm.... deja-vu; spook saying that the cool thundercats are afraid of the terranic army... hehe...

then of course what do we see in this "all-armies" war AGAIN?!...
other armies fighting alongside the terranic army to try to tame the thundercats who are actually NOT an army...

why oh why do the terranic need so many allies to defeat a small group of individuals?!...

would it be because THEY are afraid that without all this help they would lose against the thundercats?!...

there would be no shame to admit it... after all the cool thundercats are not easy to tame... hehe..."

[throws a few hundreds specially designed-to-hurt-terranic-soldiers-only (i'm a knight after all and i do think that the knights should help the thundercats who are NOT an army)grenads into the terranic area]

jedi woman: i see that you're putting to shame certain professional soldiers... hehe... shame the thundercats are NOT an army or they would sure wipe the floor with ALL these armies trying to tame them...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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