Witchcraft index
Created | Updated Oct 22, 2002
Witchcraft Index– Classified -full clasified listing of all the pages I have been able to find on h2g2, DNA and 360
Pagan Index in alphabetic order, and still requiring lot of work, witchcraft items have been removed.
This page contains an index to pages within h2g2, DNA amd 360 that are related to witchcraft and similar topics There are two principle types of witchcraft and many sub divisions within this. Classification however is difficult with such a diverse group Traditional witchcraft is the ancient form, more into craft skills, healing and a form of science, but with a little magic and ceremonial. As a religion it has one god, that it considers common with all others and that people just see different faces. Its members include pagans, Christians and others. | ![]() |
Both traditional and Wicca have many different forms, and I will produce an article specifically on this.
Traditional witchcraft
The organisation many of the paths and covens, plus some individuals belong to is the Traditional Craft Association A804809
The senior of these groups are the Water witches A855155
Leader of the water witches is Aqua (role of) see also (Aqua- helping people)
An all female path are the Fire Angels, this is a newer form of traditional witchcraft based on many older streams, in many ways they are the nearest of the traditional witchcraft groups to wicca, have reduced craft skills and more into the power of the female, spells etc. A830611
(information on other groups is to be added)
Acadamy of witchcraft project to provide a teen witchcraft school across all traditions A838640
School of witchcraft - Adult university of witchcraft(info to be added shortly)
Witchcraft channel
Cross-denominational religious overlay Unicorn Party A781805
Some wiccan groups belong to the Pagan Federation, but this has expended now to also represent other pagan groups as well. (link to add)see also end of classified page
See other Wicca entries under the classified index link below
Hedge Witch
Hedge witch A839883
General information
Wizards A797853
Unicorn A783407
A non witchcraft site that may be interesting to you is
New Atlantis A778980
Pagan Index in alphabetic order, and still requiring lot of work, witchcraft items have been removed.
Continue now to the full clasified listing of all the pages I have been able to find on h2g2, DNA and 360 by Clicking here
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Please add a link on your h2g2 page to get to this index, this can be done in plain text pages by just entering the number A808210 after whatever text you like to use, and you will find it will hyperlink automatically, but if you are using GuideML then you can find links and much else explained on page http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A690518
This page is to be extended and more topic pages written. If you have a relative page, or wish to write one please let us know.