Traditional Craft Association.
Created | Updated Oct 22, 2002
Traditional Craft Association.
The association is dedicated to bring the various parts of the craft of old together to serve mankind, preserving craft skills for the future, removing the fear from magic or beliefs and making the beneficial effects of the spirit available to everyone who wishes it to be a part of their life.
They do not exclude anyone who feels that they have a craft skill, and by craft skill we mean the ability by magical or scientific means to provide help for people, and they do not differentiate on the basis of your chosen sprit path, so witches of all types, traditional groups, country groups, Wiccans, Druids, fairy people, together with many other pagan groups and individuals, Christians of all denominations, Muslims, Jews, and all other religions, all they ask is that each acknowledges the right of the other to choose their own path to the spirit. They are not a political or campaigning organization, and encourage co-operation not confrontation.
It is said, but no records exist, that the association was first formed in the days of the British Empire by Christian academics hoping to understand the magic of old as a means of gaining greater communication with God. It is said they initially studied Druids and Egyptian knowledge but soon realized that so much from so many groups and cultures overlapped, so then attempted to combine the knowledge from many according to a classification system, now largely lost.
While their quest is to bring together ancient crafts in friendship, the concentration is on relevance to our time. So although they seek old knowledge, they strive most to understand knowledge of old or new that will allow the members as a whole or as a group to effect change or improve the life of an individual, group or the whole of society.
Their web site is at and gives the principles, an overview of the craft, a brief history, current research, details on a number of larger projects, including the school of witchcraft, and a broadcast channel on the internet. In addition it has a large portal containing links to very many other organisations and web sites, although this part of the site does need some work to sort the large number of links better. The newest version of the site has been slimmed down a lot form what was there last year, and a large amount of the information removed is being reformatted or edited to be included in the school of witchcraft site.
See also
Witchcraft Index All the witchcraft links to h2g2 pagesAcadamy of witchcraft
Association members include
Water WitchesFire Angels
(others to add)
More are on the associastions web site at
Asking Questions about the assocation on the BBC systems
See Aqua - helping people