Witchcraft academy

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Witchcraft academy - Witchcraft school

The idea has been being discussed for some time, but is now to come about, a specialist Teen Witch Academy.

It will be:-
  • FREE
  • Specifically written for a teen audience
  • Cover both Wicca and Traditional paths
  • Have its own advisory board
  • Involve as many writers as possible

Announcing the project

The following announcement was recently made:-

The Traditional Craft Association site on www.book-of-shadows.org has just been updated to include some later projects, and one of these is the Academy project which is going to allow the creation of a specialist witchcraft school site for teen witches.

The project will be run using as wide a range of people as possible covering as many traditions as possible. This will be achieved by having an advisory board, and including the work of many people. There are two web types of web sites involved www.witchcraft-school.org is the site for the advisory board members and authors, and www.witchcraft-school.com is where the academy school site will be. Those who choose to can pre-register and will be notified when the first segment is available.

Some of the other new projects are not yet up on the net but should be within the next few days.

A chance to join in

Please take a look when you get a chance. Hopefully some of you will want to get involved. Please tell anyone else you think may be interested in getting involved in this project.

University of witchcraft on line

A larger project has been running for some time providing a school of witchcraft aimed at adults. The main site is at www.school-of-witchcraft.com and the editorial site for this is at www.school-of-witchcraft.org. Currently this covers traditional witchcraft but consideration is being given to expanding it to include Wiccans as well.

See also

Witchcraft index A808210

Traditional Craft Association A804809

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