
2 Conversations

Title for the leader of a collection of groups of people who accept magic within beliefs. Some are pagan groups and some Christian that look to the original message and early church for its advice. An organisation pulls all these separate groups together, although all are independent. Aqua is therefore the principle advisor, and groups can take what advice they wish.

Aqua is the leader of one of these groups, known as water witches, but again the role is one of adviser to sub groups. Water Witches have people of many faiths amongst their members and are support the idea of one god for all, tolerance and understanding. The title once given is for life.

The current Aqua has many interests, and successes in many fields. He is said by many to concentrate much of his efforts on encouraging people to improve their own lives, and pulls many strings and some would say uses some magic to make peoples dreams come true. Many of the people who have been helped are not aware that this has been the objective, or that the person is known as Aqua or connected with these groups.

We live in a society where people are often not inclined to ask for help, or to believe in magic, although most can see the logic in wisdom being shared that will allow them to achieve their objectives.

Sometimes it is only encouragements a little knowledge or the application of psychology, at other times it is knowing who to contact or someone else who has already been helped in the past being given the opportunity to help you.

Although Aqua cannot help all people achieve their wishes, if you do not ask, you will not know if your dream or wish could have come true.

If you think Aqua could help you, then go now to the page Aqua-helping people.
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If you wish to email Aqua you can do at [email protected]

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