New Atlantis

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New Atlantis is a virtual state, non profit organisation and the organisers of many clubs, organisations and projects. Its principle purpose is to improve the life of its members/citizens. It is not part of any religious or political group. It has developed from a beginning over 30 years ago as a writers discussion group.

A strip of photograph film showing two scenes; one of a giant Redwood tree, the other rocky cliffs and a beach Its main web site is at but it has many more sites available from there.

Its largest project is one that involves creating a new kingdom floating within the Atlantic in the shape of a large spiral. This has a web site at

It helps and supports communities of all types to develop and they have a web site concentrating on this, see the main site.

A new project allows any non profit organisation, good cause or charity to benefit called 50-50

A joint project with others provides free courses and library this can be found at

Other references you may find useful site dedicated to JESSICA - Ambassador for world peace and happiness. sections on friendship, happiness and more.
Jessica's h2g2 page is at A789816

Aqua's pages are A788646 (role of Aqua) and A778944 about Aqua and Aqua helping people. BR/>

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