A Conversation for Talking Point: 11 September, 2001 - One Year On

Days, not months, to plan

Post 1


The powers that be have taken care to persuade us that the terrorist attacks took months to plan.

Not so! If I were Osama Bin Laden, I could have planned the attacks in five days. Just think what was needed…

First, find people who hate the US (easy – see the "Untruth, Injustice and the American Way" conversation thread)...

...enough to kill themselves in an attack against it (difficult for me or you, but if you're the leader of a terrorist network you have instant access to such people)...

...and trained to fly an aeroplane (ditto. Well-trained terrorists are instantly accessible).

Inform them of the intention to fly planes into the specific symbolic targets.

Get plane timetables and work out which planes to select for having synchronous attacks on each of the targets (an 11 year old could do this – it's the kind of thing we learned in Year 7 Maths! Well, slightly different scenario, but the same principles!)

Synchronise your watches.

Get your chosen "martyrs" to the relevant airports.


Because if what I have just said is right, then it may be that the US provoked the attacks in a more direct way than previously imagined:

On 2nd or 3rd September 2001, the US and Israeli delegations walked out of the UN Conference on Racism because they didn't like a report which criticised Israel's oppression of the Palestinian people. The treatment has got worse since the attacks, but long before then it was unacceptable and people around the world knew it. By walking out of the conference the US and Israel demonstrated contempt for the plight of the Palestinian people, thus angering the Muslim world and indeed many people across the globe who care about justice.

Less than two weeks later the attacks happened.

Less than two weeks was plenty of time to organise them.

If you care about the plight of the Palestinian people and wish to contribute to bringing peace to the area, War on Want (http://www.waronwant.org ) has a Palestine campaign you can get involved in. I should probably add that I do not work for War on Want and the views expressed above are my own and should not be taken to reflect those of that organisation.

Days, not months, to plan

Post 2

Bambi - Keeper of Crystals and Royal Heart Royal (The Stag of Balwyniti)

Exactly. I said exactly the same last September.

However evil, you have to admire the ingenuity of the mind that thought it up - so simple, yet so effective. smiley - sadface

Bambi smiley - reindeer

Days, not months, to plan

Post 3


Perhaps the mind that thought this one up had watched the episode of "Earth: Final Conflict" (I think I'm thinking of the right series) in which terrorists flew a plane into the White House.

Days, not months, to plan

Post 4

Bambi - Keeper of Crystals and Royal Heart Royal (The Stag of Balwyniti)

Can't say... Didn't watch it!

That would make sense though - it's like a plot to a film! I know I couldn't think up something like that... let alone carry it out smiley - sadface

smiley - reindeer

Days, not months, to plan

Post 5

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

the plane flying into a building story has been used for quite a while...."Executive Order" a book by Tom Clancy had a plane takeing out the US Congras Supreme court and the pres...very few people left in the gov't including the Vice Pres Jack Ryan

The thing is, it did take a long time to plan...I am sorry but the fact remains that they did take a long time not a couple of days and they were very thuro in their planning...
smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Days, not months, to plan

Post 6


Given the state of US airport security pre-September 11th, what makes you think an attack would take a long time to plan? (sounds peeved but actually a genuine question - sorry. smiley - smiley )

Days, not months, to plan

Post 7

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

1) it has been shown that it was planned out for quite a while before it happend
2) there was another such attempt at mulitable hijackings that was planned by this same group and failed
3) I don't think you are giving enough credit to OBL...you are thinking he some raving lunatic that just gets flights of fancy and does things spur of the moment

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Days, not months, to plan

Post 8

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

It was in fact pretty much the *exact* plot of the Pilot episode of X-Files spinn-off The Lone Gunmen- terrorists highjacked a plane and flew it at the World Trade Centre. I think the ep aired in March 2001. Fortunately of course, the Gunmen averted the crash.

smiley - ale

Days, not months, to plan

Post 9

Bambi - Keeper of Crystals and Royal Heart Royal (The Stag of Balwyniti)

We are not saying he is *just a raving lunatic*, it could mearly have been the straw that broke the camel's back.

Could you please elaborate on point's one and two, 'cos the only evidence I've heard for long term planning was US government "propaganda" and I hadn't heard of the previous attempt...

smiley - reindeer

Days, not months, to plan

Post 10


The Palestinian question is an interesting one, but I doubt very much that it had an direct affect on OBL plans. At the bottom of the heap of issues is the fundemental muslims desire to extend 'the faith.'
In internet conversation with a 'muslim' who agreed with the Taliban, this is the main directive as per his version or interpretation of the Koran:
"Mohammend is the truth and all else is lies." Muslims are obliged to bring the 'infidel' into the fold if you like.
So in a way, we unmuslims (taken to it's most extremist level) are infidels and it hardly matters what we do politically.
Watching televiosn is enough to set us all apart, let along what is done in the name of international policy.
Osmam bin Laden has charismatic power over his followers, not because of big corporate America, but because Westerners do not follow the right path.
To the likes of Osama, most Arab countries are not muslim in his sense of the word.
Given any power at all he too would be marching into Palestine and laying down the law, as per Taliban directives. Those who don't wish to follow suit can either leave or become victims of genocide.

Days, not months, to plan

Post 11


"Osmam bin Laden has charismatic power over his followers, not because of big corporate America, but because Westerners do not follow the right path."

Really? Then why attack the US rather than a less vengeful and less powerful nation? Why not attack India (Hindu infidels?) Why not Bhutan (Buddhist infidels?) Why not Ireland (Christian infidels?) China (Taoist and Communist infidels?)

Further, why attack the very nation which brought you to power in the first place?

The concept of Jihad (holy war) had virtually disappeared from Islam around to 10th century. It was deliberately revived by the US in Afghanistan to destabilise the region and force a costly Soviet invasion.

Days, not months, to plan

Post 12


"Further, why attack the very nation which brought you to power in the first place?"
A 'good' extremist will tell you that Allah bought them back to power in the first place, not the Americans.
Afghanistan was supposed to be the very first Islamic country.
The Taliban was supported by Al qada, for it's own purpose.
The ruling Taliban being only a faction of the mujahadeen. The other faction was fighting long side the US and coilition forces.

A good extremist will tell you that Allah says Westerners are the problem. Beat them and the rest will fall into place. There will be fractions of extremist in India, extremist terrorism has already occured there. Islam doesn't 'invade' in the accepted manner. It's a 'truth' which OBL spreads in his financially supported schools.

Pakistan is an Islamic country and stands on the threshold of war with India over the ownership of Kashmir an Islamic country.
This is all devil's advocacy on my part, it's about 'knowing' those who would kill you for having different 'truths'

Days, not months, to plan

Post 13


You're right.

Then I guess there's also the point that if you can pull off an attack against the world's most powerful nation you can demonstrate how Allah (the most merciful and wise) gave you, his servant, power and courage to attack the infidel.

Days, not months, to plan

Post 14


Yes that would be the way it goes. Unfortunately.
I suppose that the crux of the matter is; that because there is no appeasement or fighting that will change people's truths, we should all live for the day we have and not dread things too much or allow dread to diminish us all.

Days, not months, to plan

Post 15

Bambi - Keeper of Crystals and Royal Heart Royal (The Stag of Balwyniti)

This is all very interesting, but no-one's answered my last question
smiley - winkeye...

No, seriously, I'd like to know, how has it been that it was planned out for quite a while before it happened and when/where was there another such attempt at mulitable hijackings that was planned by this same group and failed smiley - huh

smiley - reindeer

Days, not months, to plan

Post 16

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

sorry Bambi I will try to get you some info today on that...work got a little strange yesterday

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Days, not months, to plan

Post 17

Bambi - Keeper of Crystals and Royal Heart Royal (The Stag of Balwyniti)


smiley - reindeer

Days, not months, to plan

Post 18

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

quick find for you for the second thing....it would be the Pasicfic airliners heading


Also there is some info here I think

"(A Philippine intelligence document dated January 20, 1995 outlined their plans with chilling foresight.

"He will board any American commercial aircraft pretending to be an ordinary passenger. Then he will hijack said aircraft, control its cockpit and dive it at the CIA headquarters. There will be no bomb or any explosive that he will use in its execution. It is simply a suicidal mission that he is very much willing to execute," the document states. )"

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Days, not months, to plan

Post 19

Bambi - Keeper of Crystals and Royal Heart Royal (The Stag of Balwyniti)

Thanks Tacsatduck.

That's kinda worrying.

OK, so the idea was around long before, still, there could have been a trigger like Bodhisattva says. And I still say that that's the genius of the whole idea, no bombs required, virtually no money needed, only people required, and could be done at a moments notice. smiley - sadface

Tell you what though, they don't want this Ramzi Yousef to get ou t do they! Life + 240 years!! smiley - winkeye

smiley - reindeer

Days, not months, to plan

Post 20

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

well I am sure he has an option for parole after 235 smiley - winkeye

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

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