A Conversation for The Manchester Marrow!!!!

Beam Me Up

Post 41


Captain Kebab - he knows where things are. ('specially the kebab shops. mmmmm kebab...)

smiley - cheers

Beam Me Up

Post 42


Oh all right then. Make me get up out of my chair in the corner then will you smiley - winkeye

Here goes:
Dearest commitee,

I shall/shall not* be attending the event to be henceforth be known as the Manchester Marrow (MM). If I do attend I may/may not* be there for all or even just some of it. If attending all of the MM I might/might not* imbibe intoxicating liquors to the point of sobriety/drunkeness*

Your's in the chair in t'corner,

*please delete as applicable

Beam Me Up

Post 43


smiley - erm

Beam Me Up

Post 44

Captain Kebab

Aha me hearties, I've returned from a short trip to Wales, and am up for knowing where food is to be found. I shall start a new thread on the Marrow page ... - buggrit - one day I'll type that and a smiley will appear.

Beam Me Up

Post 45

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

I know smiley - winkeye I've been there smiley - smiley.

Phil, your usual decisive self then smiley - hug, I've deleted all negative options so you've somewhere between nil & no choice smiley - oksmiley - smiley

Beam Me Up

Post 46

Captain Kebab

Umm - http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/F95874?thread=203302 - the 'What's for tea, mum?' thread

Beam Me Up

Post 47


smiley - run s

Beam Me Up

Post 48

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

I've updated the page with costs & meet details smiley - smiley

Beam Me Up

Post 49

Captain Kebab

smiley - ok

Beam Me Up

Post 50

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

smiley - redwinesmiley - cheers

Beam Me Up

Post 51

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I am.
I am an small marrow living in a old shoe box on the M12
infested by earwigs:
Who are my friends.
is that better?
I am a small unnatural beast who occupy's your thoughts, and the bottom of your beer glasses, and I've only five bottles left, sadly, including the one bottle I've just opened, when is meet?:
I've been offline a week, and, (like normal) I'm well confused man ye' no wat I mean bad time meal me man mad 4it weird carbanzolia and brie on toast with my frizzled brain and an awful lot more fairly weird sprouts if you prefer to a lavish whateveritis smiley - huhsmiley - erm slo when is it? smiley - grovelsmiley - hug < slozzled> smiley - towel

Beam Me Up

Post 52

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - hug Hey 2legs, your presence is requested at 14:00 hrs on Saturday 31st August outside Manchester Museum of Science and Industry. A short taxi ride from Piccadilly station smiley - smiley. We're eating somewhere cheap & cheerful after the Star Trek exhibition & sundry other exhibits & then onto another pub smiley - smiley

Beam Me Up

Post 53

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

And somewhere in there is going to be another attempt at phonecall-from-a-meet. Maybe this one will work out...

Beam Me Up

Post 54


Just to be awkward, I'll be arriving at Victoria station. Can anyone tell me how to get to the Museum from there?

Beam Me Up

Post 55

Captain Kebab

Yup - it's about a 10 to 15 minute walk, and it's pretty much dead straight. The museum is on Liverpool Road, in the Castlefield area of Manchester.

I guess you'll be arriving from Bradford, which means you should arrive on platform 1 or 2. Walk out of the main station entrance facing the end of the platform and alongside the ticket office, and turn right. Follow this road around a 90 degree bend to the right to the traffic lights at the end - about 100yds.

Turn left onto the main road (Victoria Street) and continue. The road changes its name almost immediately to Deansgate - one of Manchester's main streets - anybody should know it if you go wrong.

You should shortly see Manchester Cathedral set back on your left, and you will soon pass a number of reasonably swanky shops and bars, and a department store (Kendals) - that's about half way. You should then go ahead at the next two big cross roads. At the third big cross roads (just before a big railway bridge) turn right into Liverpool Road. The museum is on the right, after the Air and Space Museum. I imagine it's well signposted, but I live here so I don't look at the signs.

Alternatively, if you ask for a through ticket to Metrolink City Zone, or you may have to specify G-Mex Metrolink station - can't remember but you can do it at any staffed rail station - (it'll only be a quid or £1.50 more) you can transfer to a tram at Victoria. Catch the first one bound for the city - it will have the destination Piccadilly or Altrincham. If it's an Altrincham tram it will take you directly to G-Mex - otherwise change at Piccadilly Gardens for an Altrincham or Eccles bound tram. Don't get one going to Bury. When you de-tram, take the stairs at the end of the platform the tram is going towards - they bring you out by the junction of Deansgate and Liverpool Road.

If you email me (address on my personal space) we can exchange mobile numbers in case you get stuck. I'll probably come in on the tram myself in which case I could meet up with you and anybody else coming into Victoria.

While I'm at it - anybody arriving at Piccadilly can get a tram from there.

Captain Kebab - he knows where things are (haven't said that since the last meet smiley - winkeye)

Beam Me Up

Post 56

Captain Kebab

" Follow this road around a 90 degree bend to the right to the traffic lights at the end - about 100yds." - that should read 90-degree bend to the LEFT.

Captain Kebab - he knows where things are, but he doesn't proof-read his postings properly. smiley - doh

Beam Me Up

Post 57


Message and correction gratefully received, Captain K! I have just e-mailed you my mobile number, and the idea of meeting up for the tram ride to the museum sounds good to me. smiley - bussmiley - ok

So when I'm buying my train ticket in the morning, do I ask for a day return to Manchester G-Mex Metrolink station?

Beam Me Up

Post 58

Captain Kebab

Yeah, I'm fairly sure you can buy through tickets to any Metrolink station - if they should look at you blankly and deny all knowledge tell them it's Metrolink City Zone. I'll go check my email...

Beam Me Up

Post 59

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Croz and I will be arriving at Victoria, what times are your trains?

Beam Me Up

Post 60


The trains from Bradford get to Victoria every 30 minutes, roughly on the hour and half-hour. I was planning to get one that's due to arrive at 12.58.

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