A Conversation for The MOTMV Mansion

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21201

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Yea, let's go!

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21202

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*wonders if they're on about the door into the dragons lair since thats the only one with no admittance on*

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21203

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Onward and forward! We will examine every crevasse, peek in every closet, steal every wallet, and explore every attic!

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21204

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

will you climb every mountain?

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21205

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Is there a mountain in the mansion? And you still didn't answer one of my questions.

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21206

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

The Colander of Doomâ„¢ *yoink* is mine! smiley - runYeehihihi!

And, I don't think you should be poking around in that mansion, EC. I've heard curiosity can be detrimental to felines.

Even lethal.

Then again, you're already some kind of mental, so it might all balance out. Don't get lost!

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21207

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

I'm many kinds of mental actually. ... Hey! The Colander of Doom! I stole that fair and square! Give it back! smiley - run

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21208

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*wonders why they are running round with Jack's bullet ridden tin hat*

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21209

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

smiley - run

It's the Colander of Doom!

*puts it on his head, and disappears in a flash of brimstone and a cloud of tiny bats*

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21210

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Two can play at that game! But I intend to butt in as well! *claps hands together and then bends down to touch the floor. Disappears in a flash of blue lightning*

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21211

Vauxhaul Astra

What was that about?

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21212

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Oh. Just a random anime reference. Anyway, I must away! *vanishes again*

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21213

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - erm

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21214

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Oh, hey Cal. Have you seen Dan? I must tackle him and extricate from him the Collander of Doom as part of my insidious plan to serve decent tea at the EA.

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21215

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

*sneaks in, smelling of burning sulfur, rummages through cabinets...*

Ah, this'll do.
smiley - evilgrin

*Pulls out an old, ordinary pot, and writes 'Colander of Doom' on the side*


*places pot on counter and sneaks out*

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21216

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

*pockets the real collander which he stole when Dan was confused with making a fake one*

smiley - whistle ... *takes the fake one too*

smiley - run

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21217

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

*sneaks back in and removes the real colander from the cabinet which he switched with the real decoy, while making the fake decoy*

smiley - whistle

Happy trails, EC...

*Puts colander on head, and disappears in a flash of brimstone and a cloud of small bats*

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21218

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

*follows the scent of brimstone, the unique flavor found in Demon Cola. Demon Cola: Its Evilicious.*

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21219

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

*looks at pot*

This isn't the Colander of Doom. It was just an old pot full of brimstone and bats, that I dumped on my head.
smiley - huh

EC! What happened to the Colander?

*throws old pot out the window*

The New New Tearoom in the MotMV Mansion

Post 21220

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Theres a high possiblity that I stole it from you during the whole Terrorist Flipper the Dolphin fiasco and then pretended to be chasing you to ease your suspicion. But thats highly unlikely. I'm hoping your sense of logic overrides your knowledge that I'm behind it. ... Well, not literally. Its not really in front of me. And I would never admit that I stole it in a convuluted plan to lure the MotMv tearoom trafic to the evil army. No sirree. Wouldn't dream of it.

... FLEE! smiley - runsmiley - somersaultsmiley - run

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