A Conversation for The MOTMV Mansion


Post 1

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

[The boardroom has a really big table. Because I say so. It also has a water cooler thingy, because I say so. And that seems businessy]


Post 2


*Thorn pops in and fetches one of those papercup things to use the watercooler.*

I wonder if boss'd like to have 'em be a bit more personalized.

Emblazoning skills are a good thing.

smiley - winkeye

*Now there is a snappy & appropriately suited logo on the side of each cup... yes, exactly as though by smiley - magic... except more like by the use of strange, strange physics, which can sometimes be just as close enough*
smiley - yikes

*Drinks the water, crumples cup and then puts it in a wastebasket and heads out*

Not all the water in the cooler, mind you.


Post 3

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

*wonders in. Spots a tempest in a teapot drinking water from logo-ised cups by cooler*

Well thats a clever thing if I ever saw it.

*decides to cut down on meds in future*


Post 4


"Er, thanks boss. I've got to learn how to stop quite wearing my emotions out on my sleeve so very much, for in the future."

"Oops. Are you thirsty and would you like some water?"

*He steps aside*

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