A Conversation for Shooting Practice

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Post 141

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*removes Woundhealer from the second scabbard on his back. Feels the god like power of holding two swords of power surge through his body*

*adopts a defensive posture with the two swords now in his possession*

Know you, Njan of Borg, that I came into possession of these Swords by arcane means, which I still possess, and as Keeper may reclaim them at anytime.

As Keeper I know Sword Law better than any and my selection of weapon is appropriate to the defensive stance I have adopted to protect my liege Lord Mystrunner. He shall not, and cannot come into harm in my presence.

Know you also that this place we are at is one of mine abodes and as such you are interlopers here. This confers rights of title to me that enhances the power of Doombringer. We have justice on our side. You might temporarily wield Shieldbreaker but that will not protect your drones.

You have been countered here - methinks you merely do not realise this fact yet smiley - winkeye

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Post 142

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - bigeyes

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Post 143

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

*Wonders when Red Dog is going to remember giving Apollo, and therefore the borg, permision to use his page, therefore making njan a welcome guest of the borg, and therefore rightfully here.*

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Post 144


*The sword fragments shimmer, and with a snick like noise, reform. The Hilt, now enraged, begins to drain energy out of the borg machinery. It hovers menacingly.*

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Post 145

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

*Borg Queen sees all the mean nasty boys who are making her collective a mess. She gets very very sad. Tears start to run from her eyes, and she sits down in the middle of the chaos, choosing the spot that is in the most way of all the fighting and trouble.*

*sniffles* All I wanted to do was create a nice little family of cybernetic beings... and everyone things I'm evil! *wipes tear off of cheek* Can't I do anything without everyone assuming I'm evil!

*turns into a sobbing mess*

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Post 146

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

There there .... *caresses SG gently with making it all better* .... we don't think you're evil - just a little different maybe smiley - winkeye

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Post 147

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

*sniffles and looks at Red Dog* If you don't think I'm evil *sniffles* they why are you hurting my drones? *sniffles again, gives Red Dog a big eyed look*

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Post 148

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

I haven't hurt anyone (yet) but I am pledged to Mystrunners defence both as a Knight of H2G2 and by virtue of the pact with the ACF

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Post 149

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

Then make him play nice so you won't have to hurt anyone! *sniffles, and widen eyes bigger, and pouts* We haven't done anything to him!

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Post 150


Well, actually, drones killed my entire extended family. So now, I can become a heartless Bast*** whenever I see the borg. So there.


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Post 151


...Oh, and your drones ate all my biscuits and wrecked my office.

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Post 152

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

My drones? Those actions ~do not~ fit with typical actions of ~my~ collective. I believe you have them mistaken for someone else.

Please keep with established personality of my borg collective. Apollo and I have countless times established the fact that our borg collective are in no way the same type of borg as is found in the Star Trek universe, please keep with continuety here!

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Post 153


Even so, my biscuits were missing when they left, and...


Sir DrunkenDEATH!

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Post 154


* Wonders about such things as cortical implants and operating systems, whilst still in a corner of the room, hovering his hands over a console. *

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Post 155


*one of the laser turrets fires from behind him, hitting him in the back*

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Post 156


*the smiley - tickleish laser beam bounces off Axe's body armor and starts flying accross the room, bouncing off everything it hits*

Oh smiley - bleep.

*his hand-hovering becomes more frenzied as he attempts to control the beam*

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Post 157


*all of the turrets in the room recharge, but are now firing light so Axe can see what's wrong*

It's called a diagnostic system

*all of the turrets fire. 51 rays of light shoot towards Red Dog, while the rest hit Goose, Mystrunner and CV (if he's still here). One of the laser turrets hits Axe*

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Post 158


*power-cycles the errant turret*

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Post 159


*having fixed the turrent, Axe resets the defense systems (turning them off but within voice-command-activation's reach)*

*sits down with some smiley - popcorn and watches the swordfighting*

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Post 160

njan (afh)

Yes, technically, Mr. Red Dog, the space is legitimate borg territory. Since the borg are a single mind, and apollo is part of that mind, in inviting apollo to join the page, you layed the foundations for borg admission into the area. In addition to which, mere presence here doesn't constitute passive or active agression, and as such, you may only take the borg to be as agressive as any other resident of h2g2 walking through the area, to which they are more than entitled to do - it's a free area, after all. And if that bothers you, feel free to talk nicely to the h2g2 court. I'll be waiting behind the bench with my gavel - I am a judge, after all. smiley - biggrin

On the other hand, I can happily provide legal representation, advocacy, and advice, through my partnership, Njan & Arnias. We charge very reasonable rates.

Pleasantries aside, mr. Red Dog, I encourage you not to attack. You won't win, you know. You're lucky that I consider you a collection of individuals rather than an amassed fighting force, or the shieldbreaker would have made mincemeat of you all. As it is, only Mr. Mystrunner's in trouble.

*the shieldbreaker swings round and shatters the hovering sword again, subsequent to which the pieces disappear in small shrouds of green energy, grabbed by a teleportation system hitherto unseen, and displaced into the void, from whence they are liberally distributed into the centres of various suns by the GSV's displacers*

Now. Saturn Girl and her friends are causing no harm, so it'd be lovely if you'd leave her alone. *njan smiles sweetly and continues holding his sword between himself and the assembled mass of people*

And Red Dog, no-one possesses any of the twelve swords - I would have thought you'd have noticed from the manner in which the coinspinner comports itself that the swords are quite happy to do as they please, and thus far, the swordbreaker seems much happier being handled by myself than it was in a dusty cupboard. Besides, the swordbreaker's quite happy to stay with who it pleases, and I think it's happy both to be able to have another crack at the doomgiver, and to have an owner who's incapable of becoming fatigued with the art of war.

*njan purses his lips briefly and then smiles, yet again*

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