A Conversation for Shooting Practice

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Post 201



smiley - ghostTake a look in the pockets of my body, Axe...smiley - smiley

*Slips over to Guse and borrows his "Dark Arts For Dummies" book*

smiley - ghost I'll be back in about twenty-five posts...

*smiley - ghost fades off*

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Post 202


I need to know what's in your pockets first... It'd be no good if I guessed wrong, would it?

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Post 203


Orca helicopter. SPace time is a bit odd in my pockets. Oh, If you don't know what an orca is (at least the EA version) its a propellor less version, operating on small turbines along the tail and side body. Looks slick, too.

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Post 204


As in Command and Conquer, I take it. Very good smiley - smiley.

*Mystrunner's body suddenly disappears and reappears within the reach of Axe's hands*

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Post 205


*takes out his tricorder and scans it*

(radio) Team, Rifle 2. Just checking to make sure he wasn't a suicide bomber or anything... Explosives could be dangerous if you accidentally shoot them.

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Post 206


You have my word.

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Post 207


*slowly puts his hand in Mystrunner's body's pocket*

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Post 208

JayPeeUK (3*2*8-8+3-1=42) (Retox)

I'll work on it. Maybei could also get a hold of some ex-soviet union arms for our snipers, not promising anything. Butdefinatly, i'll find a new helicopter from somewhere.
smiley - smiley.

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Post 209


*pulls out a small remote control*

smiley - cool

*presses the 'On' button and then 'Forward'*

*ducks as a large Orca helicopter flies out of Mystrunner's pocket and hovers in the centre of the roof*

smiley - erm, how did that happen.

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Post 210

JayPeeUK (3*2*8-8+3-1=42) (Retox)

For information click there ยป http://www.boeing.com/rotorcraft/military/ah64d/flash.html i want one!!!!!!

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Post 211


*carefully lands the Orca in the middle of the Hive and throws the controls to Retox*

Here, you can play with it...

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Post 212

Peter aka Krans

*Picks up his rifle, stands up, and disappears*


*Appears again next to Njan*

Evenin', lads.

*Starts cleaning rifle*

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Post 213


Oh, and you can use the Orca Retox. Trust me, they're the best there is. Straight from the Forth Tiberian War.

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Post 214


*is too busy being up in the rafters, teleporting dead bodies and playing with large helicopters to clean ...*

What am I saying?!

*starts cleaning his rifle, even though he hasn't used it at all*

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Post 215

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

You boys better clean up all that popcorn mess before I get back with Apollo reassimilated. I will be a very tempramental queen if I get popcorn and butter stuck to my shoes. smiley - winkeye

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Post 216


smiley - ok

*orders a few maintaince dwarfs to eat the popcorn on the floor*

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Post 217

JayPeeUK (3*2*8-8+3-1=42) (Retox)

*takes red control from Axe and works out how to use the Orca. Apparently very easy to use but Retox still can't work out how to use it.*

smiley - cool
*starts munching smiley - popcorn*

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Post 218


It's pretty easy.

*throws the two-page quickstart 'manual' at him*

If you don't use MS software, which doesn't come with decent docs, you should realise that this helo is easy to fly by the amount of paper in that 'book'.

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Post 219

JayPeeUK (3*2*8-8+3-1=42) (Retox)

*right, so pressing the forward button makes the helly go forward and pressing it backwards makes it go backwards, directions make it go side to side. Genius! Even Microsft could never have thought of that!!!*

smiley - biggrin

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Post 220


*adds Retox to his long list of MS haters*

smiley - biggrin

Try getting inside it and using the big boy controls...

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