A Conversation for Shooting Practice

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Post 221

JayPeeUK (3*2*8-8+3-1=42) (Retox)

You can add SJW aswell, maybe not JGD just yet. Maybe we could convince him tomorrow.

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Post 222


*raises eyebrow*

Better things to do. Like clean my weapon.


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Post 223

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*is suspended from ceiling, silently observing*
*uses the microwave he rigged up in SM's cupboard to screw with borg-ish stuff*

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Post 224

njan (afh)

*on the ground draws a g36k*

*empties an entire clip of 5.56mm ammunition directly at captain venom and then goes off in search of a LAW*

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Post 225

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*is lucky he had his subspace field generator on, the bullets simply bend away from his body* *he disappears*

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Post 226

Goose:Keeper of Squeaky Rubber Duckies and Other Assorted Squeaky Toys

*picks a handful of smiley - popcorn off the floor. dwarf tries to pick it up at the same time, and a struggle ensues, with Goose ending up victorious.*

Pretty good, but I would have used a little less butter... does anyone want to play BS? I was supposed to play with Saturn Girl, but she left...

*cries silently*

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Post 227

Peter aka Krans

Incorrect Catachresis, Rifle 1, I need my box of special bits. Can you displace it here ASAP

*A reinforced equipment transport crate appears in the middle of the floor*

Axe, can you please give me a hand getting this little lot set up?

*Takes out an incredibly hi-spec holographic terminal, lots of fat data cables, seven small black and very complex looking devices, and a subspace transciever*

Okay... these plug in via an interface box here.

*Starts typing away, staring furiously at the terminal display that's just appeared in midair*


/home/rt84f>loc | subscan -r 20
Disruption v(0,4,6) gravitational -0.38 (generated: Franzhof field?)

Right... so I can link the scanner to my Franzhof generator, and that should precisely cancel out CVs...

/home/rt84f>loc | subscan -c "franzhof" -r 20 -n -t
Disruption v(0,4,6) gravitational -0.38 (generated: Franzhof field?)
Tracking enabled.
Creating pipe to callback application "franzhof"
Inverse Franzhof field established... maintained.

Njan. If you'd be so kind, try shooting him again.

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Post 228

Peter aka Krans

Hang on... he disappeared! Oh well, that routine'll stop him from using the bullet-bending trick again.

Now... has he gone, or is he hiding?

*Starts hacking away again*

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Post 229


*looks at the cables*

OK, standard SCI conenctions...

*plugs the components into the interface box, along with a small transmitter to copy Krans' tty output to his PDA*

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Post 230

Peter aka Krans


Now I've got my evil toolkit together, I can make a security system that works.

Incorrect Catachresis, Rifle 1, can you check my system isn't interfering with displacers?

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Post 231


One rogue turret out of 102 isn't bad for a second attempt smiley - winkeye...

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Post 232

Peter aka Krans

Not bad at all... though you still haven't told us why it went rogue...

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Post 233


The drive moter in it wasn't calibrated right at all. Manufacturer's problem. These days, you'd expect the QA teams to do their jobs properly...

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Post 234

Peter aka Krans

QA team doing their job properly? Don't make me smiley - laugh. The company would go bankrupt!

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Post 235



smiley - silly Methinks we should find a way to make Laser Turrets open source. It worked for PCs...

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Post 236

Peter aka Krans


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Post 237


*Hopes the dwarfs finished off the popcorn in time*

ROTFLAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

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Post 238

njan (afh)

*njan walks in*

Alright, external security sorted, like. Two multiple-redundancy rackmounted weapons controllers.. *njan gestures over to a rack full of computers with flashing lights in one corner* along as a second set those in an undisclosed location. There's also a dampened effector-link between each node and the GSV, just in case the mesh network gets taken out.

Seven field control units, each of which has a 20-parsec full-EMS sensor array. two plasma batteries per FCU, in addition to a gridfire unit every other unit. There's also a geostationary ROU which is providing a remote monitoring station for the entire thing, and a backup effector platform. There are also 10 ROUs which have been hidden in the surrounding landscape, just for fun, and we also have a further four which are providing a quite neat forcefield. It's the same sort that they use as a containment and structural integrity shield around GSVs, only proportionally contracted and upgraded. Further to that, there are some extra weapons lockers, a militant drone or 20, and some knife missiles. *njan brushes the solder off his gelsuit, smiles, and takes some smiley - popcorn

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Post 239

njan (afh)

*along WITH a second set OF those


I know, I overlapped tags. I don't care. smiley - biggrin

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Post 240

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

[computer] Trojan detected in holo-projector sector.
*appears in holoform* Nice job you've done here. The physical security is excellent... But your PC security
[PC] beginning delete
is quite lax. *half of the laser turrets turn on the other half, which effectively cancels out the laser defense*
[PC] Error in file delete... Abort, Retry, Fail?
*each FCU battery turns on the others, in a huge furball. The input terminals are locked out due to "test mode"*
[PC] Automatic retry begun... attempting delete
*the knife missles all fire at the ROU's stashed everywhere*
I guess I'll be going again... *disappears*
[PC] Trojan Virus Deleted... Have a nice day! ERROR! Massive battle. No enemy detected... does not compute... This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down! *crash!*

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