Operation Human Shock

9 Conversations

We used to be the sheep revolt, but we have gone undercover until we gain more members.

new setup, when a member wishes for something to be displayed on the front page, or when Galen decides it is important and needs to be placed on the front. Each member will have a place and the member to have something placed on the front will be first and ordered from recentness down. would someone reword this paragraph for me, as it feels very jumbled.

important news headlines!!

Wargamer's Additions

'Operation Ram Raid'

[18:37] The Griffon Gunships detected an enemy covoy of armour moving towards an area of sheep fields. We moved to intercept.

[18:39] We held position at a key bridge and awaited our target...

[18:50] Olbivion's SWAT team moved into position to form a pincer assault...

[19:31] Enemy forces stopped to pick up armour support after detecting our comm-signals. Fortunately, they were unaware of our plans, or the Griffons...

[20:37] Enemy forces (finally) enter the combat zone. Galen detonates explosives to take out the bridge, risking his life in heavy cross-fire. The Griffon's opened fire on the enemy, focusing on enemy armour first, then supply trucks, then infantry.

[20:40] Enemy forces are in total rout! Oblivion's SWAT Team is in position to pick them off as they flee...

[20:43] Oblivion report all targets destroyed. Goes in search of the source of the attackers.

[20:44] Target Area declaired secure. Mission Accomplished.


Most recently, a report from a normal, test mission that turned into a rescue mission

[14:00] Griffon team set out for a test flight over North Scotland, when we detected something, a French-owned Mutton Factory! Such atrocities could not continue...

[14:14] We strifed around the hills, but we found them well prepared for us and they opened fire with Flak Cannons. We jinked away from them, while Griffon II managed to blow apart one of their Cannons with its Assault Cannon.

[14:19] With almost half our fuel gone, we had to act fast. Griffon II attacked from the front while I attacked from the rear. All four of my Rockets hit home, blowing the factory apart and allowing me to successfully airlift four sheep from there cells. Griffon II destroyed all of the Flak Cannons and airlifted the last three Sheep. However, not everything went to plan... my gunship was hit and the secondary fuel tanks were damaged, and Griffon II's co-pilot was killed by shrapnel.


Mutton Factory: 97% Damage ... DESTROYED

Sheep Rescued: 100% ... SUCCESS

Casualties: 1.

Mission: ... COMPLETE

We have had an inventory check done by Wargamer and here are the results

5 (Five) Suits of Flak Armour.
10 (Ten) Stubguns.
3 (Three) Communication Sets.
10 (Ten) Viper 70s (For SWAT Team).
10 (Ten) D5Ks (For SWAT Team).
3 (Three) 'Strider' Scout vehicles + crew.
2 (Two) Griffon Light Gunship + crew.
20 (Twenty) Fragmentation 'Frag' Grenades.
10 (Ten) High Explosive 'Krak' Grenades.
4 (Four) Viper 145s (For Bob, Ba'alzamon, Bagheera and Strider).
1 (One) Silver Viper 145 for Galen (It has better Armour Penetration).

Bob's Additions

this comes directly from a report from Bob

NEW INFORMATION: It seems that it was a North American sheep who first discovered that tobacco can be smoked. I have pictures of cave paintings which depict a couple of rams chilling out and passing a pipe between them, while humans look on reverently, offering occasional gifts.


I've just found a document in the local museum. It is a transcript of a Greek stone tablet, containing an account of Atlantis. The notes in the margin insist that a word is garbled, but I can see it clearly, and it definitely says 'sheep'. They came from Atlantis in flying saucers and conquered the Greek walled city of Skydos in less than a day. There is more, and I shall return once I have translated it.

OLD INFORNATION: I have uncovered evidence that the body of the Sphinx is not a cat as is commonly thought, but a cleverly disguised sheep. Further investigation is indicating that Abe Lincoln's beard on Mt. Rushmore is a bit dodgy.

for the general news

This is the homepage for the sheep revolt against the overlording humans. The Human side of the Story is very biased on the side of... you guessed it, the humans. so a proper revolt has to have a proper story that is even more biased than the humans or else how can we compete. i need you sheep out there who are hiding in the shadows to come out of the woodwork and aid me in the revolt. if you were part of any activities or encounters, post them. i need sheep historians just like Bob who is the head historian of the sheep revolt!! to give me their story. also if there are any sheep out there who are into positions of power, we have those also. if there is a position not filled that exists somewhere in the world, i need you in it!

I need sheep to join, tell your fold mates, anybody, sheep you see on the streets, i am even willing to accept humans if i feel their heart is true enough.

h2g2ers who have joined in the fight for freedom

Galen- Leader and Founder
Bob- the head historian
Ba`alzamon- Specalist in Copperate Espeinage

Bagheera- Spellchecker smiley - , Grammarian Pedant smiley - andsmiley - Semiquavering Secretarysmiley - smiley -
Strider- Official ninja and smiley -
Oblivion- Official Sheep S.W.A.T Team Leader
Wargamer- Official Munitions Supplier and Mechanic

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