A Conversation for Operation Human Shock

Party, all Sheep welcome!

Post 1


welcome back my fellow smiley - sheep and smiley - blacksheep
we are gathered here today to celebrate the rejoining of the old brotherhood. the humans have not done much that we can see in the past year, but that does not mean we have to become lazy, or docile! we must kep the smiley - sheep pride strong and keep up the fight! maybe we can crush them forever this time! well, enough with the speech. lets get to the party!

smiley - cheers

please choose from the bar your drink of choice. i believe the bartender added a new drink since we have met last, a glass of smiley - redwine is now available on request. other drinks include, smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - coffeesmiley - milksmiley - ojsmiley - stoutsmiley - teaand of course smiley - cappuccino
we have rented a pool, and a grazing field for your pleasure, dont forget to dry off after your swim with a smiley - towel from the rack over there. enjoy yourself at the party!

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Party, all Sheep welcome!

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