A Conversation for Operation Human Shock

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Post 41

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

So do I, it's been too long since I worked on a Starship...

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Post 42



what sort of materials will you need so i can advertise for them and keep on a lookout

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Post 43

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

smiley - whistle I'll need a lot... I'll go raid the Factory's storage hangers, I've got a lot of spare stuff in there...

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Post 44


you have all the materials you need?

if you need anything just holler, i will ask around for you

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Post 45

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Cheers Galen! smiley - ok
Oh... Oblivion's gone back to his Legion, Iyandes has taken over for him, can you update the mainpage? (It's the same person, more or less, just a new name).

Need members?

Post 46


smiley - ok

smiley - cool

Need members?

Post 47

Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

Partners sounds jus great smiley - biggrin *gives wargamer a ickle stick to prod her with if she falls alseep all unexpected like whilst flyin* ok i shall bring me ship into doc so you can work on it ... jus dont ask me how the engines work the instuction manuals erm... got lost.. *koff* smiley - flustered hehe


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Post 48


yes, good

smiley - cheers

glad to see a bit of activity over here again.

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Post 49

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Sorry? smiley - erm What is this 'Instruction Manuel' of which you speak, and what does it doo?

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Post 50


smiley - weird

how interesting. did you see that i have taken up fallin'?

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Post 51

Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

oops sorry peeps i been off sick (not sleepin honest *koff*)

back now yay!!!!

ooo ooo we could use fallin strategically i think...
i mean we'll save a bundle on parachute silk hehe

fallin sheep... would add the element of suprise! smiley - laugh

>^.smiley - sheep.^<

Need members?

Post 52


smiley - cool

yes, it certainly would

lets get something set up!

Need Slogan?

Post 53

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Do you thing that OHS needs a Slogan, or catch-phrase? Something like:
"Operation Human Shock: Pulling the wool from over your eyes since [Date of Founding]"? smiley - erm

Need Slogan?

Post 54

Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

yes sounds a great idea... could lead to a whole campaign of them... 'let us hold the wool out your eyes', 'dont follow the flock... follow the OP', 'your flock needs you!', 'we'll be baaa..ck' ok got a bit carried away hehehehe smiley - flustered


Need Slogan?

Post 55




it sounds great. we could each adopt a different slogan with the U# at the end of it and put it on our nicknames(if you want to of course)

Need Slogan?

Post 56

Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

sounds great! but... erm.. how long is your name allowed to be??? smiley - laugh


Need Slogan?

Post 57


i put one of the slogans on my name, seesmiley - biggrin

Need Slogan?

Post 58

Fallin Space kat, sheep/cat and Muse of Fallin 'vote sheep for government' >^..^<

me too hehe


Need Slogan?

Post 59

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

I'd rather not... A knife in the back is worth a tank from the front.

Need Slogan?

Post 60


and you always have kept your name clean

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