Escape Pod Dreams: The Waterloo Issue
Created | Updated Apr 18, 2010
Escape Pod Dreams, the Waterloo Issue

Custer more famous than he thought.
I saw one of those stupid little 'news' reports on a survey in which 40 percent of respondents thought that General Custer was at Waterloo. That'll teach 'em to go around doing surveys. As many Amurricans have, I recently completed and sent off the Census questionnaire. A week later I received another one in the mail. The questions are mindless and useless. If the government doesn't know how many people there are in the country, then how can it govern? If the borders serve no purpose and the licensing bureaus and school boards and hospitals are useless, then what possible purpose can the stacks of law books serve? And how useful is a survey that only functions through voluntary cooperation? There are a lot of people in the continental U.S. who don't want to be counted until they want to be. They want the state, local and federal government to function in the blind. Not that it would take much. A bureaucracy only needs people because they make the best employees. And whelks tend to drip on the floor.

More reasons why small children and animals should be allowed to vote labour:
1. 8:57 AM
The difference between smart and bright is
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)
2. 9:57 AM
I don't live anywhere near you
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)
3. 10:57 AM
I have no idea what I was going to say
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)
4. 11:57 AM
I hate to keep harping about
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)