The difference between smart and bright is
Created | Updated Apr 10, 2010
infinitesimal and both words are mostly used by people who are neither.
It is very similar to the insanely uncouth individuals who feel that it is their right and duty to call other people rude when they respond directly to the uncouth individual's bullying.
There are so many stupid people running around who are actually proud of their ignorance. If they could, they would buy a t-shirt or a gimme cap to indicate their pride... if they could read. Maybe it is just me. I don't see any reason to be proud of ignorance. I think of it as a disease to be treated... unfortunately, auto companies, politicians, lawyers, and makers of feminine deodorant products can't make a living in a world full of unignorant people. They need the sheep to gather to the shearing.
I have often been asked why, if I am so smart, am I working where I am. My only reply is that I have no idea where smart people go to work, since all the positions have been filled by morons.
They think I am just bitter because I am not as smart as I think I am. That is not the case.
I wake up every day firmly convinced that I am an idiot and that I have much to unlearn to even approach being a simple moron. I can never hope to be a cretin. Then I walk out the door and within ten minutes there is someone I don't even know making me feel like a genius. Some stranger doing something so unthinkably stupid that they must have learned it from someone else as they can't be bright enough to have thought of it themselves.
That's when I know that the world will end not with a whimper or a bang, but a "Hey, ya'll! Watch this!"