A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group
Dr Who - Spoilers
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted Jun 12, 2005
Sorry I meant Remeberance of the Daleks
Dr Who - Spoilers
Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... Posted Jun 12, 2005
The "Green button thing" (which is actually blue) is actually an artificial eye because Davros is blind. Davros was also born on Skaro... I know these things because a friend of mine's dad had Terry Nation's Dalek Annual.
Dr Who - Spoilers
Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... Posted Jun 12, 2005
Dr Who - Spoilers
Baconlefeets Posted Jun 12, 2005
I've not delved into the blog to see if this has already been posted, but I've just found this link: http://www.badwolf.org.uk/
The music freaked me out a bit at first
Dr Who - Spoilers
Keseral - lost... Posted Jun 12, 2005
This link: http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/GuidePageServlet/showid-34391/epid-407905/
dosnt really tell us much we didnt already know though, from the end part of last episode about the next one, looking at sites like imdb.com and watching confidential... It just happens to gather all that into one place...
Dr Who - Spoilers
Keseral - lost... Posted Jun 12, 2005
also, just as a point of note, did anyone pick up when the doctor said "someones been playing a very long game" that the title of the episode with satillite 5 and the editor in was "the long game"
Dr Who - Spoilers
YalsonKSA - "I'm glad birthdays don't come round regularly, as I'm not sure I could do that too often." Posted Jun 12, 2005
'Bear in mind that the spoiler link said Adam would be in last night's!'
Yeah, but also bear in mind that RTD likes to put blatant disinformation into programme synopses.
Dr Who - Spoilers
Keseral - lost... Posted Jun 12, 2005
I'm not surprised with the amount of people like us trying to deduce whaty is happening!
...and on that note
""Jack is actually a Time Agent - part of a kind of space CIA - and he's trying to find two years of his memory that have disappeared," explains actor John Barrowman, who plays him." according to http://www.sfcrowsnest.com/features/arc/2005/nz8000.php
maybe he was dealing with the darleks in those 2 years????
Dr Who - Spoilers
Researcher U1025853 Posted Jun 12, 2005
I couldn't help but think that the white light of the beam which beamed them out was very like the white light from the tardis which turned the slitherene into an egg.
Dr Who - Spoilers
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted Jun 12, 2005
Here's another 'Could it be...' how about the Editor? from the other Satellite 5 show
Dr Who - Spoilers
Keseral - lost... Posted Jun 12, 2005
thats true, but how would he get the bad wolf clues through time?
and I have to share this with someone: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/breakfast/4565339.stm you can see the interview... *faints*
Dr Who - Spoilers
huzzah4knolly Posted Jun 12, 2005
What if the Last Dalek didn't destroy itself , but travelled forwards in time before the time wars and saved some of the Dalek fleets, kmnow knowin g that the Doc would be the last Timelord?
Funny how all the "games" on last night episodes would all have been in Rose's memory which could have been transferred across when that Dalek used her DNA to restart itself.
Also why wasn't Rose exterminated...is there a bond between these Daleks and her ?
Too much to ponder over.
Dr Who - Spoilers
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Jun 13, 2005
I'm rather afraid that it will be Davros , but I'm hoping for something a bit cleverer.
For a start (and I stand to be corrected), I don't recall Davros ever having control of time.
What I'd really like to see is this as the return of a maverick time lord who was allegedly killed and the end of a much, much earlier story, one who might already have been said to have met three little pigs. One who had a huge grudge against both the Time Lords nad the Doctor personally.
But failing the return of Omega, I guess the next best alternative is the Tardis. Anything but the whhelchair bound prune...
Dr Who - Spoilers
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Jun 13, 2005
Rose wasn't exterminated because Daleks always have a back up plan, and they have rather repetitive mind cycles. It wouldn't be the first time that the Daleks have used the Doctors perceived 'emotional weakness' against him buy threatening his companions.
Dr Who - Spoilers
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jun 13, 2005
c.f. Genesis of the Daleks, for a start.
Davros doesn't have control of time, but the Daleks have been shown to have time corridor technology, which is described as 'very crude and nasty', and nothing like the Timelord's ability to manipulate time.
Dr Who - Spoilers
Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like Posted Jun 13, 2005
Dr Who - Spoilers
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jun 13, 2005
Yes, I am *sure* that's an old voice, not just a playing around with Davros's voice. I just can't think whose it is, and I don't think it's one of teh usual suspects, either.
Dr Who - Spoilers
Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted Jun 13, 2005
They kept Rose as bait to trap/blackmail the Doctor - they do say this in the episode.
That voice in the trailer sent chills down my spine. Cannot wait for next week. So many big surprises...
Dr Who - Spoilers
Mrs Zen Posted Jun 13, 2005
What I want to know, is what have the Daleks been doing with all the other game-show contestants if they haven't been killing them? They are the ones that have been selected out, after all.
Key: Complain about this post
Dr Who - Spoilers
- 281: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Jun 12, 2005)
- 282: Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... (Jun 12, 2005)
- 283: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Jun 12, 2005)
- 284: Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... (Jun 12, 2005)
- 285: Baconlefeets (Jun 12, 2005)
- 286: Keseral - lost... (Jun 12, 2005)
- 287: Keseral - lost... (Jun 12, 2005)
- 288: YalsonKSA - "I'm glad birthdays don't come round regularly, as I'm not sure I could do that too often." (Jun 12, 2005)
- 289: Keseral - lost... (Jun 12, 2005)
- 290: Researcher U1025853 (Jun 12, 2005)
- 291: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Jun 12, 2005)
- 292: Keseral - lost... (Jun 12, 2005)
- 293: huzzah4knolly (Jun 12, 2005)
- 294: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Jun 13, 2005)
- 295: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Jun 13, 2005)
- 296: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jun 13, 2005)
- 297: Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like (Jun 13, 2005)
- 298: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jun 13, 2005)
- 299: Smij - Formerly Jimster (Jun 13, 2005)
- 300: Mrs Zen (Jun 13, 2005)
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