A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 261


Definitely a positive selling point!

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 262


Well, lots of interesting stuff on the web, btw, is the bad wolf thing playing as big a part in other countries?

I found http://www.relativedimensions.co.uk/badwolf.html which ahs some interesting opinions, including ones about the IMDB references.

It also finally provides a possible answer to the questions about 236801 numbers that keep appearing (haven't sen anyone mention it on here, but apols if so).

"“Re Bad Wolf 23-6-801 - Season 23 would be The Trial of a Time Lord, episode 6 lands you into Mindwarp. 801, I’m figuring that could be seconds not minutes. That would take us to a part in the story where Peri objects to painful sounds of an injured animal. A shrill wolf howl.”"

There seems to be a lot of opinions that hark back to the Trial of a Time Lord, but whether that is just common perception or not I dunno.

And as for Captain Jack, well, who;d have guessed it?


Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 263

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Harkness is a popular name for roses, my mum had a deep red one called Ena Harkness which had a gorgous scent

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 264

YalsonKSA - "I'm glad birthdays don't come round regularly, as I'm not sure I could do that too often."

I'm going for the TARDIS as Bad Wolf, too. Or if not actually Bad Wolf itself, then it has been leaving the messages for the Doctor to warn him, either through 'coincidental' appearances of the name or by placing the thought subconsciously in the minds of associated characters. If the TARDIS is able to turn a Slitheen back into an egg, then surely it has the power to place a casual thought in an unguarded mind. As she said herself, it was the first thing she thought of. Why, if not by some method of suggestion?

Also, in the episode set in Cardiff, when the Doctor is explaining the nature of the TARDIS and that everyone now is looking at its very soul, he mentions two words that went by so quickly that I didn't have a chance to truly register what they were. But they sounded like the Welsh translation of Bad Wolf. I suspect that Bad Wolf may be the TARDIS' name for itself. I don't have a copy on video, but if anyone has, it would be interesting to find out what it was he actually did say. I could be wrong, of course.

I think that the TARDIS is far more powerful than anyone has so far given it credit for. We already know that it has telepathic abilities, can travel through time and space, generates more energy than any power source on Earth and has a living soul. It was noticeable quiet in this episode, appearing for only a short while and was even then completely passive, being stuck on its own in archive 6. I think that it detected the presence of the Daleks in the Floor 500 episode, and has been leaving messages for the Doctor ever since. It surely knew that they were there in this episode, as it tracked the transmat beam to them. I know that the Floor 500 episode wasn't the first, and that Bad Wolf references have appeared both before and after, but to a living machine that travels through time, the concepts of 'past' and 'future' are necessarily fluid. It could have learned this information decades ago, and influenced events on its way back and forth through time so that the markers appeared in exactly the right places for the Doctor and Rose to pick up on them as they travelled through. No-one knows how long the Daleks have been hovering there, waiting for their moment.

Alternatively, the messages may have something to do with the seperation of the Doctor and the TARDIS. Jack, Rose and the Doctor are taken from the TARDIS, apparently by force, at the start of this episode and the TARDIS feels violated, lonely and threatened. It knows of the presence of the Daleks and engineers the appearance of the Bad Wolf name before leaving during the Floor 500 episode, knowing that it will have to return sometime so that the Doctor can deal with them. From what I can gather, the TARDIS has a telepathic link with everyone who travels in it, but this link only seems to go one way. The TARDIS understands the Doctor, but it doesn't seem to work the other way round. Therefore such overt messages may be the only way that it can communicate directly.

I'm rambling here, aren't I? That doesn't make any sense. Why leave oblique messages instead of a detailed explanation of what's going on? Why engineer the whole start of the 'Bad Wolf' episode instead of just taking the Doctor, Rose and Jack to the satellite, where they would be able to move freely and willingly against the Daleks instead of having to fight their way out of their own gameshows?

Talk about stab in the dark.....

I still think it's the TARDIS, though.

smiley - biggrin

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 265


Is this someone having a wild stab in the dark, or a major spoiler?


esp as RTD has said that it is not a super villain.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 266

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I can't help thinking it's Adam. After seeing the end again, it just seems right. 'Don't know about Davros, though. That would take some heavy make up. Mind you, so did the original.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 267

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Why would the watcher be in 'The Parting of The Ways' if CE is coming back for the Xmas special?

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 268

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Still think it's Davros... the gravelly "they survived through me" in the Next Week trailer did it for me.

Mickey as Davros? Adam as Davros? That's as silly as the 'the Jagrafess is a giant Dalek creature' idea I saw on another forum.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 269


So no opinions on my link then?

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 270

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...


Does it for me...

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 271

Mu Beta

Norman Lovett as Davros? smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

"Alright, dudes? What's going down in Groovetown? Er, there was a message to pass on. Can't remember what it is right now. 'Exfoliate, exfoliate'. Yeah - I think that was it."


Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 272


"Does it for me..."
Really? Did I post one of 'those' links instead? Goes off to check...

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 273

Mu Beta

One obvious thing that most of these conspiracy websites seem to be overlooking is the "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" motif - which was the first thing occurred to me.

The third pig kills the Big Bad Wolf, therefore it's obvious to my mind that John Pertwee is due for a comeback. If he hadn't died 9 years ago, that is. smiley - sadface


Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 274

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

EXTRAPOLATE, EXTRAPOLATE - Daleks thinking outside the box.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 275

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

<< Did I post one of 'those' links instead?>>

smiley - tongueout

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 276


sorry, I guess not everyone is into Dalek porn...
(although I bet KA is smiley - winkeye )

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 277

Mu Beta

What else d'you think she's doing at this time of night? smiley - evilgrin


Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 278

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

"The Doctor discovers that the Daleks were saved from the Time War by Davros, their creator. But this final battle has devastating consequences for the Doctor"

Last episode of the new season of Doctor Who
Marks the final episode of lead actor Christopher Eccleston.

Quote: The Doctor: "I'm dead or am about to die any second with no chance of escape"

smiley - wah
Do you think we'll get the Doctor being killed at the end of the ep, then have to wait till the Xmas special for the regeneration?
smiley - wah

I can see him sacrificing himself to save Rose smiley - brave

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 279

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

IMHO this boils down to when CE told RTD he was quitting. If the 1st season had already finished filming (which is, I believe, the official line) then he wouldn't regen in the last episode. But th trailer would seem to indicate the contrary.

Bear in mind that the spoiler link said Adam would be in last night's!

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 280

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I'm beginning to lean towards Adam being Davrod, that green button thing in the middle of Davros's head is in the same spot that Adam had that spike thing and in Resurrection of the Daleks the Doctor says to Davros "I see you've got rid of the last remainants of your human form" or something like it

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