A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 241

Keseral - lost...

http://www.badwolf.org.uk/ go to "disclaimer" and highlight the whole thing...

http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/episodes/photostories/10room/01.shtmlsmiley - erm ooo, 801? 802? what does it all mean????

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 242

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I've just trawled through the Bad Wolf site and cant' find any hidden text.

Oh, wait... there it is... smiley - blush

Anyhoo, if you want something *really* stupid go to http://www.imdb.com search for Doctor Who and check out the cast list they've got for the final episode... Norman Lovett as Davros? B*ll*cks to that!

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 243

Zak T Duck

The current Doctor Who front page links to http://www.badwolf.tv which appears to be an offsite BBC messageboard. Not the first time I've known the Beeb run a phpBB based messageboard, they used the same system when Fightbox was on BBC3. They appear to be running a compy to win the first two DVDs if you can name in 8 words or less who the Bad Wolf is before 6.45 on Saturday.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 244

Zak T Duck

Lovett is derived from the Anglo-Norman name for Wolf if I recall correctly.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 245


http://www.bad-wolf.org.uk/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=294 and U13. Spooky!
smiley - bluefish

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 246

Zak T Duck

smiley - laugh Now that's where I've seen that face before!

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 247

Mol - on the new tablet

I must have hit the unsub button at some point - I thought it was odd that nobody was talking about spoilers any more. What a twit smiley - blush

My family were very puzzled by what the Doctor said about the Bad Wolf following him around. It was most rewarding to be able to tell them about all the references they'd missed (particularly the ones I only knew about through this thread smiley - winkeye)

Adam as Davros: doesn't the name Adam appear somewhere in Genesis in the Bible smiley - whistle


Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 248

mazie (returning soon...)

so i was in a newsagents reading all their magazines and in one of them (i think it was some cable tv guide smiley - erm) it quoted RTD as saying

"It (the bad wolf) isn't going to be a big panto villan, it's subtler than that"
"Some people think it's some supervillian but why would he graffiti his name all over the place?"

he also said that he didn't think it would catch on the way it has
HA! don't lie russell we know you're lovin' this! smiley - winkeye

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 249

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Hands up who thinks Bad Wolf is Davros


But who WAS Davros my guess it's Mickey or what's left of him

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 250

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Definately Davros. Nah, not Mickey, but that companion earlier, what was 'is name? The one with the 'ole in 'is 'ed. Someone from Corrie...smiley - erm

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 251

Zak T Duck


Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 252

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Anyone see confidential, it really was Anne Robinson doing the voice of Anne Droid

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 253

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I just checked the IMDB site for the cast list of "Parting of the ways" and it doesn't list Norman Lovett as Davrossmiley - erm

Something strange is going onsmiley - weird

"Mickey" is listed, so is Jackie, Rose's Mum. No Davros, no Adam, so that's my guess up in smoke.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 254

Zak T Duck

No they're trying to throw people off the sent and keep them guessing.

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 255

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Yes, saw Confidential. I can't get over Jo's mouth. Has it always been that wide? Or has it been stretched? She reminds me of those computer manipulated ads for toothpaste or whitener or whatever it is, those faces with the huge grins.

yes, Anne Robinson's real voice...as was Davina's, and Trinny's and Susannah's.

Bet they had fun!

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 256

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Who are?

I was following Mr Dreadful's lead, smiley - erm

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 257


Just a shame they didn't blow up the Anne Droid before arresting the Doctor and Captain Jack - that would have been many people's dream come true!

Loved the Trinnie and Susannah Droids too....you're right Galaxy Babe, they would have had a scream making that! Shame they weren't in the Droid costumes - they could have seen Captain Jack nekkid - not something I'd complain about!

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 258

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

We got to see more of Captain Jack on Confidential, smiley - drool

he filmed it totally naked, and gave an interview afterwards that he was upset that they cut out his butt shot for the family audience.

I hope they release an unedited version on the DVD

smiley - drool

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 259


tee hee, yeah I saw that too - shame they blurred out his bottom...like you say, maybe it will be uncut on the DVD!

Dr Who - Spoilers

Post 260

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Even tho I've got them all on tape I might treat myself to the last DVD if that's in the outtakes smiley - drool

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