A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who.

Post 341


Call me weird, but I do like to hear a bit about what's going to happen. There definately was all that soothsayer stuff and the Ood prophecies, but then again they could be things to throw us too.

Dr Who.

Post 342

Mister Matty

This is something I do look about this new series - people are speculating again in the way they did with "bad wolf" back in 2005. The 2006/2007 story arcs were ruined by everyone knowing what they were about from the outset.

Dr Who.

Post 343

Mister Matty

"do like", not do look.

This site needs an edit function.

Dr Who.

Post 344


That's another thread...

Yeah, I don't want to know everything step by step, but I like to know some things so I can wonder and look forward to seeing how they do it. Like the Master. Couldn't wait to how they brought him back.

Dr Who.

Post 345

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Right, due to massive work commitments I have only just caught up on series 4 (god bless sky plus).

Right, so "Life or Death Choices" then eh? Blimey o'riley they are making a big play on this. And just as they seem to be setting up a situation where the doc might have 3 or 4 people he really cares about all around him.

I reckon when that seer women spoke of a terrible choice she was not talking about Pompeii but rather to a nasty situation that is likely to be facing the Doc down the line.

Bring it on!


Dr Who.

Post 346


smiley - yikes

You may have something there FB - the Doc forced to choose between getting Rose back and saving the Earth? Or losing Donna and/or Martha and/or Sarah Jane?

Could get the emotions going...

Gif smiley - geek

Dr Who.

Post 347

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well I don't think it is an accident that not only have life or death choices happened, but it has been underlined in every episode.

The volcano, the advertising exec on ood, and now giving the sonotarians a choice.

Lets see if the word choice is highlighted again and if so if someone lives/dies based on the choice.

Dr Who.

Post 348

Bright Blue Shorts

I believe he also had the choice to stop the Adipose, but said "No they're only children" or some such.

I'd have thought if you're going to have to make a really big choice your own flesh and blood would come into it somewhere ala Sophie's Choice ...

Dr Who.

Post 349

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master


So far then it has all been about mortal choices....

Dr Who.

Post 350


Plus we have yet to meet Martha's fiance. Don't know how important he'll be, but they can't not show him, surely. (Is he the medical guy from Last of the Time Lords?)

Gif smiley - geek

Dr Who.

Post 351

Mol - on the new tablet

Watched it tonight and yes, we all hooted with laughter at "Are you my mummy?"

AND we all saw Rose.

And we thought it was all quite good.

smiley - biggrin


Dr Who.

Post 352

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Have I totally missed something? I thought you were all talking about the books with all that Miranda/Sarah Jane stuff. Who is Sarah and why should a choice involve her? I must really have not been paying attention - but then I only get to watch in 8 minute bursts between doing other things (hooray for sky+) so it is entirely possible there is another recurring character I've not noticed at all...

Dr Who.

Post 353

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I am just talking about the new series. I haqve never read a who book as of yet.

Dr Who.

Post 354


When the three of the experienced the Tardis problem at the end of the episode, I noticed that the hand in a jar was visible and bubbling. I´m thinking the person appearing today might have involved some form of cloning.

Dr Who.

Post 355

The Groob

I've been worrying about what someone said on IMDB - that the doctor's daughter could end up being the Scrappy Doo of Doctor Who. smiley - yikes

Dr Who.

Post 356


Hi Kelli,

Miranda is from the books - Sarah Jane was a companion from the old series who reappeared in the new series (and now has her own spin-off series).

Gif smiley - geek

Dr Who.

Post 357

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well for one thing the Dr's Daughter is a schmokin hottie smiley - drool.

Dr Who.

Post 358

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

There we go with the "Choice Stuff" again......

Dr Who.

Post 359

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well I really enjoyed that. Good episode, I loved the bit about the clockwork mouse.

And whilst Jenny's revival was inevitable, it did provide a great possibility of new stories. They had to start re-introducing Time Lords some how afterall...

Dr Who.

Post 360

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

This doesn't bode well. I've a nasty feeling it's all going to get a bit Scrappy Doo.

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