Talking Point: Cars

10 Conversations

A blue Trabant car in a field  taken from the BBC TV programme 'Arena: Looking For The Iron Curtain'.
Long may you run

Long may you run

Although these changes

Have come

With your chrome heart shining

In the sun

Long may you run

- Neil Young, 'Long May You Run'

While conscious of the considerable atmospheric pollution that cars inflict upon the environment, at the same time not to wanting come over, how shall we say, a bit  too  Top Gear on the subject, nonetheless this week we want to celebrate cars and the relationships we have with them.

So, we've been thinking a lot about cars and what they mean to folk and we've drummed up some questions to get you thinking too.

  • Have you ever felt a genuine emotional attachment to a motor vehicle?

  • Have you ever actually given your car a name? Do you ever speak to it or refer to it in person, such as: "Ah, there's old Daisy. What a beaut! Touch wood she's never let me down?" That sort of thing.

  • Do you have a 'dream car' and if so what is it? Is there any chance your dream will come true one day?1

  • Do you have fond memories of your first car? What was it? Do you still have it?

  • Do you think that some of the style has gone out of the way cars look these days as they all seem to sport the same homogeneous curvy aerodynamic lines?

  • Is it logical that the majority of cars are able to easily exceed the national speed limit (and presumably - German autobahns notwithstanding - the national speed limits in every country)? Wouldn't it be simpler and safer to restrict cars so they couldn't exceed, say, 80mph since it's probably illegal to go any faster?

  • How long do you think we've got in terms of petrol-driven cars? Ten years? Twenty years? Is the electric car or perhaps the hydrogen car the natural successor?

  • Do you have absolutely no interest in cars whatsoever? If not, why not?

1One of the Editors stands a reasonable chance of attaining his particular 'dream car' after revealing to the other Ed during the course of writing this Talking Point, that his 'dream car' is... a Ford Mondeo Estate.

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