A Conversation for Pratchetts Anonymous

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 261


Burn them smiley - smiley

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 262

Researcher 185550

Well, omylouse might be tabledancing in a moment again, and also what you could do is to form your own offshoot, Potters Anonymous. That might just be slightly tacky though. deackie has given you some good advice, heed it well. Don't burn 'em on carpet or linoleum, though.

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 263


And find a responsible adult to use the matches and supervise the fire, oh, and don't try this wearing a shell suit smiley - biggrin

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 264

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

or alternatively, tell me which covers you have, for which books, and send em to me smiley - biggrin

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 265

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

or me! i'll accept books instead of cash 4 the dancing smiley - winkeye

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 266

Researcher 185550

that might make for difficulties with the pink-fluffy thing. The book is probably bigger than it is.

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 267

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

hmm.... v tru....

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 268

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

so u may aswell give me the books

smiley - cheers

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 269

Researcher 185550

Worth a try though.

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 270

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

*begins dancing seductivly in the fluffy pink thing*

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 271

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

is always waorth a try! smiley - biggrin

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 272

Researcher 185550

The subject comes true! Btw omy, there may be problems concerning the weight of the books, hope I don't need to draw you a picture.

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 273

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

smiley - yikes

that dont sound too good.....cant have the pink fluffy thing breaking!

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 274

Researcher 185550

You've got no spares? Ah well, if it does you can just, say use a hair thingy instead.

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 275

Stu The Gnu

Help, it's getting worse!!!

I've just read the third Potte book, and...........and...........er....well..........I........er..........that is..............I er..........ENJOYED IT???!!!

Please don't throw me out of this thread (No i'm not talking about the pole dancer's attire).

Don't throw me out of this pole dancing club either.

I'm sorry but i've started the last book now, perhaps i'll get better when i've finished it?

Temporary insanity maybe?

smiley - cry

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 276

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

erm....ive enjoyed em 2 smiley - ok(well 1st & 2nd...can steal 3rd bk then toastie? & does ur bro want 2nd back 2 finish?)

& u can throw me out cuz i'll freeze 2 death in this pink furry thingy! smiley - yikes

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 277

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

readin 4th book wont help, ccus ull bedesperate for the 5th book

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 278


I have successfully managed to avoid Potter-mania and will continue to do so smiley - smiley

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 279

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

good 4 u. i dint read any 4 ages cuz of the mania... but then i nicked em off toastie, so thats ok smiley - smiley

Pratchett Rev- Oh why even bother trying, it'll go back to pole dancing whatever happens. Oh, hello Cohen. Nice axe.

Post 280

Researcher 185550

Nah, you're not getting thrown out. If you were, I'd have to throw myself out too which would be really inconvenient, as who'd throw me out? I'd have to clone myself or something.

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