A Conversation for Pratchetts Anonymous


Post 1

Researcher 185550

This is just a starting thought. Ho, hum, I need inspiration, la dee da dee da. Okay I'm dry for inspiration. It'll all have to come from visitors.

visitor #1!

Post 2

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

ur gonna need 2 b on speaking terms wiv ur brain it seems! smiley - winkeye

i dont do intelligent but i DO do completely weird, will that do? smiley - smiley

visitor #1!

Post 3

Researcher 185550

It always looks like the same. So yes, it will do.

book info pls!

Post 4

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

do u know when the truth & thief of time get released in paperback (UK)? coz i am 2 poor 2 buy em in hardback! smiley - smiley

book info pls!

Post 5

Researcher 185550

No sorry, but I don't think it'll b 4 while cos im not sure if Truth is out in pb yet.


Post 6

Researcher 185550

We may soon be scouted by the people who set up the Does Pratchett.....? convo.


Post 7


Just popped in for a nose around smiley - smiley Is Thief of Time any good? I used to read Pratchett with a fervent dedication but I've found that some of his more recent books haven't always been up to his usual high standard. I own every book apart from Thief of Time coz I wasn't sure that I wanted to spend my money on it if it wasn't all that great. I've begun to feel that Pratchett has started to lose his edge because he is writing books in a production line way. I am more than willing to be proven wrong though and I live in hope that he'll gain some of his old spark.


Post 8

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

*splutters* not up 2.... what?!

i kinda get what u mean bout production line way, but they r still great smiley - smiley

(cant speak 4 last 2 tho coz nt read em yet due 2 afore mentiond lack of cash!)

Visitor #4

Post 9


Pratchett losing his edge? Maybe, but he's still the only author that has me rushing to buy his books as soon as they're released, in fact the Discworld books are the only ones I would ever buy in hardback form, and I've never felt cheated yet. Maybe his recent books aren't as great as his earlier ones but they're still wonderful. Production line maybe, but what a production.

smiley - blush I'm being a little bit of a zealot, aren't I?

Visitor #4

Post 10

Researcher 185550

5th Elephant and Truth are a bit production line-y, but they still make a good read. Nothing wrong with zealots. I like zealots, right up to the point where they try to burn me alive.

Visitor #4

Post 11

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

what about after the fire tho?

Visitor #4

Post 12


8)Oh, I don't BURN anyone, just nag them and nag them until they read a Discworld book. As many of my friends will testify.

I'm gonna put a link to the P.A. on my user space, if that's okay? Maybe we'll get some more visitors.

Visitor #4

Post 13

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

yeay! every1 feel free 2 put as many links 2 this place as possible, that way we get more peeps 2 chat 2 & cant have even stranger conversations! smiley - biggrin

Visitor #4

Post 14

Researcher 185550

Ditto. Ditto, ditto, ditto ditto. We need lotsa convos. After the fire? Well, I usually roast marshmallows on the ashes, assuming it's not me in the fire. If it was, I run like heck.

Visitor #4

Post 15

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

heehee, i have a friend called heck! (or rather HEC - her initials) & she used 2 do cross-country i think!

Visitor #4

Post 16


Ho hum! A Pratchett fanclub type thingy. cool. For all those dedicated fans, there exists a MUD based on discworld, where you can meet (And attack, steal from, bash, interact with, kill, be killed by etc...) your favourite chars, like Carrot, Death, Angua, lots of dwarfs. You can join guilds (thieves, assasins, witches, mages, warriors (althought they tend to be just a bit thick...) as well as some that are still in development. You get to walk around AM, Holy wood, and al sorts of places - which are very accurately taken from the books. Very nice.
Use telnet (the address is [url removed by moderator]) or your favourite MUD client.

Visitor #4

Post 17


That address, when entered into your browser, will also give you the standard home page for the MUD, with lots of info on it. I personally have two chars (Siko, thief and Astrogoth, assassin) Unforunately I haven't been on in absolutely ages smiley - sadface

Visitor #4

Post 18


I've been on the MUD but not recently eithersmiley - sadface I spend far too much time here instead smiley - smiley

Visitor #4

Post 19


What char have you got?

Doh! Forgot about the URL ban! Sorry folks, I'll post it on my page instead...

Visitor #4

Post 20


I'm deackie there too and I'm a witch. Haven't got round to doing much though coz I need to get on there when I have a good couple of hours to spare. As I said before, if I have got time to spare I spend it here.

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